singing and dancing businessman

20 Leadership Principles, and 1 from a Dancing Guy

Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things.  They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new.  Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to “win” as a team or an organization; and it is dynamic, exciting, and inspiring.

Yet while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to guide their people to the right destination, in a smooth and efficient way.  Here are 20 leadership principles to think about whether you are a new leader or have been in leadership for 30 years:

  1. Leadership is Influence.
  2. When it comes to identifying a real leader…The proof of leadership is found in the followers. – John Maxwell
  3. People follow Strength, not Weakness.
  4. You have to be Positive all the time.
  5. Don’t Blame.  Don’t Make Excuses.
  6. It’s Your Business.  Your Attitude determines your Income.
  7. You’re a Leader, Lead by Example.
  8. Take Pride in being a Problem Solver.
  9. Always call your Management Team having thought of a possible solution. — “Here is my problem and here is my solution.”
  10. Are your followers excited to take your calls, or do they dread taking your calls?
  11. Do you call to complain or do you call for Coaching?
  12. You can’t afford to show up without Excitement and Passion about YOUR business!
  14. Excuses don’t make you money.
  15. Encourage, Inspire, and Build people up.
  16. Always Show Class, Tact, Respect, and
  17. No one owes you anything.
  18. Remember your Appearance.
  20. Create a Movement.


#20 is one of my favorite principles of Leadership.  It’s best taught watching the attached video.  This is a must watch which showcases how to create a movement as a Leader.


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