Achieve Success as a Modern Sales Leader by Following These 4 Guidelines, with Carson Heady, Episode #79

Achieve Success as a Modern Sales Leader by Following These 4 Guidelines, with Carson Heady, Episode #79

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Modern sales leaders make or break the success of a business. That’s why in this episode of #SellingWithSocial I interview Carson Heady, author of “Birth of a Salesman” and a Corporate Territory Manager for Microsoft. He understands the challenges a modern sales leader faces, and on this episode, he shares 4 main guidelines every sales leader should follow for ultimate selling success. We discuss everything from making CRM data work for YOU to setting personal selling goals to stay on top of the evolving world of selling. This episode will give you actionable items to follow if you want to understand modern sales in new ways, and it should not be missed. Listen now!

Achieve success as a #modernsales leader by following these 4 guidelines. You can’t afford to miss this episode of #SellingWithSocial, hosted by @M_3Jr, feat. guest @CVHeady007 of @Microsoft - listen now! #sales #SalesTips #socialsellingClick To Tweet

Turn Your CRM Data Into Leverageable Insights

The best modern sales leaders understand that a CRM is useless for selling professionals unless it provides real insights and reports. When used correctly, a CRM can provide invaluable data on your company’s targets, workforce, and pipelines. It can allow you to identify which metrics are slipping and create action plans to solve the issues before they balloon into massive selling problems. Carson explains that the number 1 metric all modern sales leaders need to understand is the conversion rates, or batting averages, for each one of their sales reps. This number tells you how successful a rep is in making the final sale, and having this dashboard set up in your CRM system will allow you to help your team become better at selling. Without leverageable insights into these rates, you’re letting valuable opportunities pass by.

Connect to Prospects Through Personalized Social Media Interactions

Sales interactions goes beyond simply sharing posts on social networks. In fact, Kurt Shaver our CSO discusses this on a recent podcast on successful modern seller skills that are required for today’s modern sales rep. Sales leaders today need to be leveraging social media platforms to make authentic, real connections with prospects. The opportunities to build a great brand reputation, find prospects, and connect with other sales professionals are limitless. One of the best strategies that Carson shares is sending personalized content to connections within your network, with a personalized message. Combining relevant resources with a personal touch allows you to rise above your competition and transform into the modern sales leader that the modern buyer requires.

Discover how to turn your #CRM data into leverageable insights by listening to this episode of #SellingWithSocial, hosted by @M_3Jr, feat. guest @CVHeady007 of @Microsoft - listen now! #sales #SalesTips #SocialSelling #SalesLeadersClick To Tweet

Set Personal Selling Goals to Bring Deals to the Table

Even sales leaders need to continually bring deals to the table in order to stay connected with the modern selling environment. The best way to understand current techniques, tools and approaches that actually work are to go out and make cold calls, engage on social, send a video message or send a cold prospect an email. Modern sales leaders should set a goal for themselves every month and every quarter to bring in one new lead per month. Doing so will keep your skills sharp as to what is working and what is not. Carson explains that modern sales leadership is all about connecting with prospects. For more insights on how to keep selling to stay sharp, don’t miss this episode.

Modern Sales Leaders Evolve With the Way Modern Prospects are Buying

The most versatile way to stay on top of their sales game is to always be adapting. To understand the shifting audience, modern sales leaders need to be listening to the industry trends and speaking with other professionals. Being agile, flexible, intuitive, and unique are all keys to selling successfully. Carson also encourages all sales leaders to not only be great at selling on their own but also be able to teach and train their sales team in effective ways. You can’t afford to miss these insights and even more guidelines, all on this episode. Check it out!

#ModernSalesLeaders must connect to prospects through personalized #SocialSelling strategies. Hear more on this ep of #SellingWithSocial, hosted by @M_3Jr, feat. guest @CVHeady007 of @Microsoft - listen now! #sales #SalesTipsClick To Tweet

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#ModernSales Leaders must set #selling goals in order to stay sharp & relevant & understand key trends. For more insights from @CVHeady007 of @Microsoft on #sales success, don’t miss this ep of #SellingWithSocial, hosted by @M_3Jr. Listen in!Click To Tweet
#SalesLeaders MUST evolve with the way prospects are buying or risk failure. Discover the best guidelines for #sales success on this ep of #SellingWithSocial, hosted by @M_3Jr, feat. guest @CVHeady007 of @Microsoft - listen now!Click To Tweet


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