
Overcoming Information Density through Shareability


I’m joined by Mel Attia, V.P. of Marketing at Vanilla Forums. Together, we talk with Mark Schaefer about his new book, The Content Code. Mark Schaefer is a college educator, author, speaker, and social media strategy consultant. He has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and the CBS News; he is also the author of five popular marketing books that are used as text books in over 50 universities.

We review some of the key points in Mark’s book and really dig into why content marketers have to overcome information density to stand out. Specifically, we review how content can get “ignited” through the process of “Building Shareability into Your Content.” Tune in to hear this vibrant conversation with Mark about how the modern marketer can cut through the wall of noise through shareability.


On This Episode You’ll Discover:

  • How Mark’s books have all stemmed from a desire to help people learn more.
  • What Mark’s new book, The Content Code, is about and the importance of shareability.
  • Why Mark says marketing is all about content, audience and ignition.
  • What content ignition is and how it relates to shareability.
  • What the three reasons are that spur people to share content.

Content creation is only the starting line.
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  • Why Mark says content is “not the finish line,” it only the starting line and the need to think ahead about getting your content out there.
  • How to create content that is appealing by humanizing your brand even if you have a so-called “boring” product.
  • Who makes up the 2% of your followers that are your “Alpha Audience” and how to get them sharing more of your content.
  • Why Mark says having a strategy around controversial content is not sustainable and his recommendation to create interesting, conversational content instead.
  • Why awareness is not enough, and the need to engage and develop trust with your audience.
  • The pressures associated with trust in content marketing and social sharing.
  • What role social proof plays in building your online community.
  • Why most social media relationships are “weak relational links” and what it means to marketers.
  • What social signals can be an indicator of influence or trust, and the need to be careful not to obsess over them.

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P.S. Don’t miss next week’s podcast episode with Bryan Jones, Vice President Commercial Markets at Dell. 

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