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Dispelling Social Selling Myths

Jill Rowley, Jack Kosakowski, and David Fisher joined me a couple weeks ago for a Blab session; Dispelling Social Selling Myths. These three social selling experts come from varying backgrounds in the sales and social media worlds. In this episode, you’ll hear all about them and each of their social selling mantras.

This podcast episode is PG rated, compared to my usual G rating. Having a conversation with passionate people around their area of expertise can really get them going. 😉

Tune in to find out what each of our social selling mantras are — I revealed mine, too — and to discover some useful insights about social selling. Feel free to listen to the podcast above.

On this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why Jack Kosakowski says, “If you’re not closing revenue, you’re in the friend zone; if you’re in the friend zone that ain’t good… because ain’t nobody gettin’ nothing in the friend zone.”
  • How social selling is for everybody and how so much about it is getting the deal.
  • Why David Fisher says, “We have to make sure when we do have the buyer’s attention, we’re creating value… value is simply answering a question that person has.”
  • Why Jill Rowley says that content is a key pillar of social selling and the currency of the modern marketer.

“Make it about your customer, not about you.” @jill_rowley

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  • Why Jill says, “Social isn’t just a place to find buyers, it’s a place to be found by buyers.”
  • How we’re all overwhelmed with content and the need to provide content that is poignant to the buyer to get their attention and shows you care about them.
  • How content drives everything we do on a daily basis and why Jack says without it, we’re all blind and we’re all dumb.

“Do 5X value vs. ask, and earn the right to ask for people’s time and business.” @JackKosakowski1

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  • How the various social media channels allow sales people to get creative and get personal with their prospects.
  • Why David says social media is not a magic pill for sales representatives, and how lazy sales representatives will still be bad at sales.

“Social selling isn’t just something on your To-Do List, but rather it’s how you do your To-Do List.” @dfishrockstar

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  • What I mean by social selling and the concept of new muscles aching, and how sales professionals really need to work social like it’s a new muscle until it’s a habit.

“Social selling is something sales professionals should do habitually, like the new muscle that once trained, is habit.” @bernieborges

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  • How people do business with people they know, like, and trust.
  • How we don’t have to try and dress social media up, it’s about connecting with others as human beings.
  • How the biggest things for anyone in sales is to ask are: “Where are our customers? And, where are the people that we need to engage with?”

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