man reading news about his LinkedIn SSI

Extra! Extra! Get Your LinkedIn SSI Score NOW! Read all about it!

Have you wondered how to find your LinkedIn SSI (Social Selling Index) and what levers you could pull to increase your score?  Wonder no more… The secret sauce is all right here including THE Guidebook (scroll down) on how to create a perfect 100 out of 100 LinkedIn SSI score!

In February 2016, LinkedIn released the ability for you to view your LinkedIn SSI score.  For salespeople, social media folks, business owners, and influencers think of your LinkedIn SSI score as a grade that states how well LinkedIn believes you are doing at Social Selling using the LinkedIn platform. It is a point system of 0-100 points. A score of 100 is perfect and that would be the model person to follow.  Zero does NOT equal hero though!

A @LinkedInSelling SSI score of 100 equals BIG #Sales, but Zero is not a Hero! Learn more in this article by Vengreso CEO, @M_3Jr. #DigitalSales #SocialSellingClick To Tweet

Your LinkedIn SSI Goal

So what LinkedIn SSI score do you want? With all organizations that Vengreso trains, we encourage the sales leaders to manage every sales rep to a minimum score value of 80 out of 100 total possible points. Why? The graphic below should answer that question!

SSI example

Unfortunately, in our State of Digital Selling with LinkedIn 2019 report, we found that only 5% of respondents had a LinkedIn SSI of 80 or higher. That’s the same number of respondents who didn’t even know their SSI!

Based on the above, we have no choice but to manage to a high LinkedIn SSI score value!  The benefit of having this metric available is that now you have the ability to manage your score and respond with action. You can see how different types of activities impact your score.  If it’s going in the wrong direction, make adjustments from what doesn’t work to what does! If LinkedIn is correct that SSI Leaders are 51% more likely to achieve quota than SSI Laggards, then you should at least check your score every week to see where you can improve.

What should your @linkedinselling SSI score be? #DigitalSales evangelist, @M_3Jr, says it should be 80+! #B2BSales #SocialSellingClick To Tweet

How can I improve my LinkedIn SSI?

The fastest way to improve your LinkedIn SSI is by knowing how LinkedIn calculates it.  There are four parts to the score!  All of the secrets of each of the four components and ALL of the triggers which can make your score go up or down are included in this 4-page guide.  Click below to download the detailed LinkedIn SSI guide!

The fastest way to improve your SSI is by knowing how LinkedIn calculates it. Get an advantage, download our guide and prioritize your LinkedIn activities today.

Download our LinkedIn SSI Guide

Get the Guide to INCREASING your LinkedIn SSI Score from @M_3Jr who achieved a 99! 😮 #Sales #SocialSellingClick To Tweet

How do I find my LinkedIn SSI?

So how do you check your SSI? Just Click on this link here and away you go!

What do you learn?

  1. Your actual SSI
  2. Your score in each of the four 25-point areas that make up a total of 100
  3. You also learn how you are ranked against your “Industry” and within your “Network”
  4. Your score can change daily

Here is how your SSI will display:

LinkedIn SSI Score 11-01-17
Mario Martinez Jr. LinkedIn SSI score as of Nov. 2017



Lastly, having access to your SSI is pretty cool.  But don’t become so consumed in the score that you forget what is most important, that is, creating more conversations with the right people!  What does kind of disappoint me though is two years ago, I had a score of 99 and LinkedIn decided to change the algorithm to make it harder to get to 100, and now I have a 92! LinkedIn, can you not move my cheese?  Here is my old SSI score, which I’m striving to get back to:

Mario Martinez Jr. SSI score of 99

Your LinkedIn SSI score is important but measure the # of convo's U create! @M_3Jr #Sales #SocialSellingClick To Tweet


Leaders: How can your teams do more with LinkedIn?

Watch this interview I did with my friend and Co-founder Kurt Shaver as we discuss how to implement LinkedIn Profile Makeovers for your sales team at scale.  I think you will find it very helpful!

Table of Contents

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