Ann Handley - Good writing the reader.

The Art of Building Influencer Relationships: Ann Handley

Ann Handley, Author and CCO at Marketing Profs

Continuing with the series of interviews conducted at Content Marketing World from the Traackr Caafe, Ann Handley reveals how she believes brands should give before asking for anything.

When brands reach out to Ann simply because she’s an influencer, she doesn’t like it. Ann believes the brand representative should do an inquiry on the influencer and appreciate them as a person, not just as an influencer.

Ann Handley’s best experience of a brand reaching out to her involved a well thought out gift box that included a scarf, Moleskine notebooks, and treats for her dog — some of Ann’s favorite things. She now has a solid relationship with this brand, and even considers the representative a friend today. “You do business with people you like,” Ann explains.

If a brand is reaching out to an influencer, Ann recommends Mitch Joel’s approach. Touch the person ten times before asking for anything. It can be small: a retweet, follow, page like, etc. Just remember to “give before you get.”

“Give before you get.” @annhandley

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Catch my interview with Ann on influencer marketing in the video above. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the remainder of this series, recorded at Content Marketing World in partnership with Traackr, on The Art of Building Relationships With Your Influencers.


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