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How can leaders like you leverage your opportunities and get into the best position for business success? Is there a secret formula? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from venture capitalist Paul Capon. In 2014, Paul founded LunaCap Ventures, a Venture Capital firm focused on hybrid growth capital investing. He has since led and executed a number of investments for LunaCap and distributed capital to LP’s within the first year.  Additionally, he negotiated the sale of a $6MM revenue company, appointed their new COO, and guided the company through a role-up strategy.  He is currently the CEO of Wessex Press (a LunaCap Ventures portfolio company) where in his first two years he increased the company’s revenue, previously flat for 7 years, by more than 3X and made the Company profitable. Don’t miss this chance to learn from Paul and his unique perspective as a business leader and venture capitalist!

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Paul Capon

Seizing Opportunities

How would you evaluate your ability to make the most of the opportunities that life sends your way? Do you look back with regret on many opportunities missed or do you pride yourself in your ability to seize an opportunity when it’s staring you in the face? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Paul and I discuss the unique opportunities we have had at our disposal and why the ability to seize opportunities is vital in positioning yourself for exponential business success. At the end of the day, it’s not about how many opportunities you have but what you end up doing with those opportunities. Discover more from Paul’s story on this episode!

The Best Position for Business Success

Did you know that “happiness” is shown to decrease if you tie it to how much money you make? If you solely base your happiness on money, there will be a tipping point where you will constantly look to the next tier of income for your happiness. Doesn’t that sound awful? Many thought leaders say that the solution to this issue of personal happiness is to locate what is important to you. Living and working for a greater purpose is what really energizes and sustains people. According to Paul, one of the best ways you can secure sustained business success is by tapping into that one thing that lights you up and fuels your passion. Hear more on this helpful topic by listening to this episode of #SellingWithSocial!

[clickToTweet tweet=”Can #money buy happiness? Find out from @lunacapventures & @M_3Jr #SellingWithSocial #DigitalSales” quote=”Can #money buy happiness? Find out from @lunacapventures & @M_3Jr #SellingWithSocial #DigitalSales”]

What a Venture Capitalist looks for

What is the secret sauce that a venture capitalist looks for when they hear a pitch? Is there a magic key that unlocks that door? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Paul describes what he looks for as a venture capitalist when people present their pitches. One of the primary aspects that Paul looks for is a proven business model, have they been able to go out there in the marketplace and locate an audience however small a sample size? He also touches on the fact that venture capitalists see multiple pitches a day, so the ones that stand out tend to be confident in what they have, what they are selling, and why the venture capitalist should invest in them. Find out how these insights can apply to leaders like you pursuing business success!

Why Startups Fail

It’s common knowledge that over ninety percent of startups fail. However, debate and speculation continue as people try to identify why this happens at such a predictable rate. On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Paul shares his perspective as a venture capitalist on why startups fail. Paul says the first reason startups fail is because they run out of runway, meaning, they burn through the money they’ve secured too quickly. Paul’s second reason is related to the first, most startups fail because they have an internal cash flow problem. It doesn’t all end on a low point though, Paul goes on to describe how startups that have these problems are able to push through and succeed in spite of their setbacks. Don’t miss these vital lessons that can help better position your team for increased business success!

[clickToTweet tweet=”Why Startups Fail, a #VentureCapitalists perspective w @lunacapventures & @M_3Jr #SellingWithSocial” quote=”Why Startups Fail, a #VentureCapitalists perspective w @lunacapventures & @M_3Jr #SellingWithSocial”]

Outline of This Episode

  • [1:00] I introduce my guest, Paul Capon.
  • [2:00] Paul tells his story, the cliff notes version.
  • [8:00] Capitalizing on opportunities.
  • [15:30] What’s important to you?
  • [21:00] Is there a secret formula to getting a Venture Capitalist to invest?
  • [23:30] The difference between a venture debt financing company and a traditional VC?
  • [27:30] Who should contact Paul and his team for investment?
  • [30:00] Where do sales and marketing factor into a startup?
  • [34:30] 2 reasons why startups fail.

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[clickToTweet tweet=”Why U should be Bold & Seize Opportunities w @lunacapventures & @M_3Jr #SocialSelling #DigitalSales” quote=”Why U should be Bold & Seize Opportunities w @lunacapventures & @M_3Jr #SocialSelling #DigitalSales”]

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