Amy Heiss - Dell Social Media - Social Business Engine Podcast

SMaC U Leads to Social Influence at Dell


Episode 59 of the Social Business Engine podcast features Amy Heiss, Global Program Manager for Social Media Training and Activation at Dell. Basically she has “the best job on the planet” when it comes to careers in social media. Amy provides continuing education on the latest trends in social for the entire Dell team, and helps team members understand how they can create tangible business value when using social. On this podcast, Amy and I talked about the strong social culture at Dell and how they train employees on effective use of social media, while measuring their business impact through social influence.

Dell's 1st UnConference

On This Episode You’ll Discover:

  • How social is an extension of Dell’s history of direct customer communication and engagement.
  • That Dell founder Michael Dell is very supportive of the culture and technology of social.
  • How recognition of Dell customers posting comments on third party sites (blogs) created a paradigm shift in tech support and customer engagement.
  • The business value of having support available through a social media team.
  • How Dell went from five to eighty support technicians on social media since 2006.
  • How Dell is training employees on social media through their Social Media and Community (SMaC) University.
  • The metrics Dell uses to measure their employees’ social influence and the direct impact on the business.
  • The recognition Dell provides to their certified team members and influential employees’ successes.
  • Dell’s 5 point social media policy.
  • The proof that building trust with customers through social drives business results.
  • How blog posts and other social engagement has a cost savings in customer support.
  • All 110, 000 employees can get “SMaC’d” by taking basic and elective courses, like a true university.
  • That SMaC Certified employees get invited to attend certain Dell events.
  • All about the strong social culture at Dell and how active Michael Dell himself is on social.
  • How Dell is working to further improve employee retention and enhance career advancement for social employees.
  • How Dell handles the risk of employee turnover among social influencers.
  • The one thing Amy Heiss and her social media crew at Dell would change about business.

Dell's Social Media Command Center

Featured On This Episode:

I invite you to listen to the entire podcast episode using the player at the top of this page, or on a mobile device through iTunes or Stitcher. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a future episode.

This episode is sponsored by Cisionthe leading provider of public relations software for planning, executing and measuring influencer campaigns in one integrated platform.

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