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[Video] How do I get relevant recommendations on LinkedIn?

You know that Trust and Credibility are two critical components of sales success, right? That’s why Customer Recommendations are so powerful.

LinkedIn is a great tool for leveraging Customer Recommendations for the following reasons:

  1. Connectivity – You should already be connected to your customer on LinkedIn so reaching them is easy.
  2. Defined Process – LinkedIn has a defined process for requesting and making Recommendations. Just follow the instructions.
  3. Public and Private Usage – Linkedin is not only a great way to display Recommendations to the world, it also provides a way to manage them including the option to Hide* Recommendations that you do not want to display publicly.
Here's how to get relevant recommendations on LinkedIn. Click To Tweet

Did you know you can actually ask your level 1 connections for recommendations through the LinkedIn system? Watch this short video and find our how to request LinkedIn recommendations that will actually be related to the products and services you are selling!

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