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As a salesperson, what is your response when buyers say no? Do you get defensive? Do you get too aggressive? How can you possibly turn their “No” into a “Yes?” On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from sales expert, Tom Hopkins. Tom carries the standard as a master sales trainer and is recognized as the world’s leading authority on selling techniques and salesmanship. Over five million sales professionals & entrepreneurs on five continents have attended Tom’s high-energy live seminars. Tom personally conducts 30+ seminars each year traveling throughout the North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and South Africa. Don’t miss this powerful episode so you can learn the BEST response for when buyers say no!

How 2 succeed when #buyers say NO, w @TomHopkinsSales on #SellingWithSocial #Sales #SalesLeaders Share on X

To be Terrific, You Have to be Specific – It’s Life’s Blueprint!

What do you want to accomplish in your personal life and professionally? Seriously, do you have a specific answer to that question? Too often people get so caught up in the big picture and the big dream that they don’t drill down to the specifics it will take to get there where they want to be. If that describes you, don’t worry! On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from Tom how to go from the generic and nebulous to a clear and specific plan for success. As Tom says, “To be terrific, you have to be specific!” Find out what that means for you on this episode!

Tom Hopkins

How to React When Buyers Say NO

Don’t let that “No” defeat you! When buyers say no to you as a salesperson it can be really hard not to take that personally. To shield yourself from the rejection that comes with the “No’s,” Tom advises sales leaders like you to remember that the “Yes’s” in life are hidden behind the “No’s.” Consider making a list of all the “Yes’s” in your life – things like getting out of debt, sending your kids to college, etc. Tom teaches that in order to get to the “Yes’s” in life you have to suffer through the “No’s,” it’s not personal, it’s a fact of life. If you’d like to hear Tom go further with this topic, make sure to catch this episode of #SellingWithSocial!

How 2 React When #Buyers Say NO w @TomHopkinsSales on #SellingWithSocial #Sales #SalesTips #Leadership Share on X

3 Types of “No’s” You’ll Hear in Sales

You’ve got to be proactive when buyers say “No.” As the saying goes, “The best defense is a good offense.” One of the best ways to be prepared is to know beforehand what the three types of “No’s” you’ll encounter in sales. Tom describes these three “No’s” as;

  1. The sincere “No,” they are not interested.
  2. The “No” that is a stall, putting you off.
  3. The learned “No.”

Tom is convinced that every “No” you encounter can be turned into a “Yes” with questioning, not telling. He teaches sales leaders like you to “Question and listen, don’t talk and tell.” If you’d like to hear more insights from Tom and how you can turn the “No’s” you encounter into “Yes’s” then make sure you listen to this episode of #SellingWithSocial!

Cracking The Door Open for a Future “Yes”

When buyers say NO it doesn’t necessarily mean no forever. There are steps you can take to crack the door open for a future “Yes.” On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Tom walks through a helpful plan for follow up with prospective clients that will uniquely position you for future success. His plan involves a carefully crafted follow-up that honors the client’s decision but also assures them that you want to stay in contact to serve at a moment’s notice should they change their mind. If you want to see your prospective client’s “No” turn into a “Yes,” make sure to listen to this episode!

Cracking The Door Open 4 a Future YES in #Sales w @TomHopkinsSales on #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling Share on X

Outline of This Episode

  • [1:05] I welcome Tom Hopkins to the podcast.
  • [3:20] Tom tells his story, the cliff notes version.
  • [9:50] Failure = Success
  • [11:30] How to react when you hear the word “No.”
  • [17:00] To be terrific, you have to be specific – it’s Life’s Blueprint!
  • [20:30] Working past the “No.”
  • [23:00] Why the “Old School’ methods still work.
  • [29:30] The 3 types of “No’s” and how to turn them into a “Yes.”
  • [33:00] Getting over the “No” and moving on.
  • [35:15] The necessity of getting a mentor.
  • [39:00] What salespeople should STOP doing TODAY.

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2 B Terrific, U Have 2 B Specific - find out how w @TomHopkinsSales #SocialSelling #Sales #Leadership Share on X

3 Types of NO’s U will Hear n #Sales w @TomHopkinsSales #SocialSelling #SalesLeadership #SalesTips Share on X
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