Amisha Gandhi, Senior Director Influencer Marketing at SAP treats influencers like clients. SAP’s annual SAPPHIRE conference attracts 20,000 attendees and reaches 80,000-100,000 viewers online with help from their influencer community. Amisha points out that the impact of an influencer goes beyond the audience they bring to the table.

In this episode of the Social Business Engine podcast, Amisha explains SAP’s influencer marketing strategy and the impact it’s having on their business. Tune in to find out how to locate influencers and involve them so that both parties benefit from the relationship.


Amisha shares how to start an influencer marketing program from scratch

On this episode you’ll discover:

  • SAP works with third party influencers that have an influence on audiences to impact their demand generation efforts.
  • SAP complements their marketing campaigns with co-created influencer content to reach potential customers.
  • SAP’s line of business approach to influencer marketing identifies influencers across the top LOBs (IT, HR, Supply Chain, Finance, etc.)
  • Influencers are involved in SAPPHIRE, SAP’s annual user conference every May in Orlando with 20,000 attendees and 80,000-100,000 online viewers.
  • SAP partners with influencers at SAPPHIRE by conducting live interviews to extend the event to the virtual audience.


  • SAP utilized Facebook Live at SAPPHIRE to broadcast interviews to current followers and an external audience in partnership with Ursula Ringham and the SAP Small Business team as well as influencers.
  • The recorded interviews with customers and partners were repurposed into blog content and provide thought leadership opportunities for influencers.
  • Amisha suggests starting with influencer lists and then graduate to a tool like Traackr to identify influencers by topic, location, and audience.
  • Amisha says she looks at influencers as “clients” and how it’s a two-way street where both parties should benefit from the relationship.

“I treat influencers like clients… there should be business value to both parties.” @amishagandhi #sbeshowTweet: Tweet This

  • Amisha points out that in addition to the typical influencer involvement, influencers can provide feedback and creative ideas.
  • Influencers are given access to executives and content, and how some engagements with influencers are paid.
  • Technology allows SAP to track and measure influencer activity and reach.
  • Amisha suggests involving influencers through speaking opportunities, video and blog content creation, and the co-creation of white papers.
  • Amisha says influencers are like clients who can help you grow your business.

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