Social Business Engine Launches New Podcast Series with Lithium Technologies


The five-episode podcast series covers the most significant topics that B2B marketers need to know today to be successful.

B2B marketers face an ever-changing landscape leaving them wondering what issues to prioritize. Bernie Borges, Vengreso CMO and host of the Social Business Engine podcast, has launched a new five-episode series in collaboration with Lithium Technologies, featuring Lithium Senior Vice President of Marketing Dayle Hall.Social Business Engine & Lithium podcast series

The five-episode series covers the most significant topics that B2B marketers need to know today to be successful.

  •     Episode 1: Influencer marketing is dead. All hail marketing to influencers! This episode re-defines influencer marketing and presents a strategy for using customer-centric influencers to help B2B brands reach more buyers.
  •     Episode 2: Data overload: How do you harness it? This episode explains the importance of getting the full picture of the buyer’s journey by integrating transactional, social and behavioral data.
  •     Episode 3: Digital Customer eXperience is the new battleground. This episode explains how the digital customer experience may be the only differentiator left.
  •     Episode 4: The state of social engagement in 2017. Social media is about engaging customers and being authentic. Hall shares the reality of how B2B brands are using social and where to go next.
  •     Episode 5: A love story: When sales and marketing get aligned. Hall outlines the key sales and marketing alignment pillars that turn this challenge into reality.

The podcast format is a mix of interview and conversational style between Borges and Hall outlining case study examples for each topic.

“Dayle is on the frontlines of B2B marketing and recognized for his successful marketing strategies,” said Bernie Borges, CMO of Vengreso. “He brings a unique perspective on the marketing landscape given that he works for a marketing technology vendor, and he himself is a seasoned marketer.”

“B2B marketing is a blend of reputation-enhancing and revenue driving activities, and make no mistake, the pressure is growing on the marketing team. If you’re not getting your mix right it may have a serious impact on your business,” said Dayle Hall, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Lithium. “On each episode we will look to help marketers identify the difference between trends that can be harnessed for measurable impact and trends that, for now, can be left alone.”

The five-episode podcast is also available for download as a combined, stand-alone audio recording for B2B marketing teams. Social Business Engine is available on iTunes, Stitcher, GooglePlay and SoundCloud.

About Social Business Engine 
Social Business Engine is a podcast media property owned and operated by Vengreso. The podcast, hosted by Vengreso CMO Bernie Borges features marketing practitioners who share best practices and success stories to educate and inspire marketing professionals on their digital transformation journey. Visit to subscribe to the podcast. Visit to learn how we make digital sales transformation possible for B2B companies