Marshall Kirkpatrick , CEO of Little Bird,  has leveraged his experience as a top technology writer and researcher into a powerful application called Little Bird. It is a social listening tool to find influencers and research topics for content marketing, competitive intelligence, and social selling.  I learned about Little Bird when I interviewed digital content expert Jay Baer a few months ago. I started using Little Bird and have been so impressed with it that I wanted to let my audience know more about it.

Some highlights of the interview include:

Learn how Little Bird helps answer the questions:

  • Who should I listen to?
  • Who should I talk to?
  • What should I talk about?

How Little Bird finds Peer Validated Influencers.

How Advertisers/agencies, Content Marketers, and Social Sellers benefit from engaging Influencers.

How Social Selling thought leaders Matt Heinz  and Jill Rowley pioneered the use of Little Bird for sales.

Learn about two of Marshall’s favorite new “Anticipatory Computing” apps: Refresh (an instant, mobile dossier) and MindMeld (it’s like a social content assistant straight out of a science fiction movie). Check out the short video on each app’s web site.

Listen to the full interview here (24:23) or download it to your portable device via iTunes.

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Who would you like to hear interviewed next?  A thought-leader, vendor, or an end-user?

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