Social Selling is often maligned as a trend or as a way to connect with a younger audience. But that way of thinking is a very limited understanding of what social selling is all about! On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from social selling expert Ian Moyse. Ian has enjoyed a long and successful career in sales leadership and was awarded UK Sales Director of the Year by the institute of Sales & Marketing. Linkedin also awarded Ian a UK top 10 Technology Power Profile and Onalytica has rated him #1 Social Influencer in Cloud 2 years running. With all of his experience and success, Ian dispels common misconceptions around social selling, provides clear examples of social selling at work, how you can get started and much more! This is an episode packed with valuable insight that you don’t want to miss!
Is Social Selling just another tool?
What is at the heart of social selling? Is it selling online like e-commerce? When you boil it all down, social selling is social engagement. Ian breaks it down into five components;
- Find
- Connect
- Listen
- Share
- Engage
Social selling is a process, not a tool. It’s a mindset that you’ve got to understand and embrace. At the end of the day, it’s an expansion of your sales strategy. When you fully understand what social selling is, you’ll see it not as a new concept but an extension of what you already practice as a salesperson. To learn more about social selling and how you can enhance your efforts, listen to this episode!
Get to know YOUR average buyer
One of the best reasons for changing your beliefs or understanding is to confront new information. You’ll find that the strongest case for social selling is made when you look at the average buyer. Here are four characteristics of today’s average buyer.
- Digitally enabled. Your buyer is connected digitally.
- Socially engaged. Almost 80% of the US population is on a social media platform.
- Mobile attached. We take our mobile devices EVERYWHERE.
- Video hungry. Almost 70% of ALL internet traffic will be video-centric by the end of 2017.
If you’d like to hear more about today’s average buyer and how you can leverage a social selling mindset to reach them, you’ve got to listen to this episode of #SellingWithSocial!
Why start #SocialSelling? 2 reach ur average buyer. Hear from @imoyse on #SellingWithSocial #Sales Share on XDon’t wait – embrace Social Selling NOW!
No one likes to be the last person to adopt something that has gone mainstream. You stick out like a sore thumb! Don’t let that be your story with Social Selling. You or someone you know might have a lot of objections to selling with social that you aren’t ready to part with – that’s fine. Just take a moment to hear from social selling expert Ian. He’s been on the cutting edge of social selling and he wants to help leaders like you take the next step and leverage social selling to the best of your ability. Ian doesn’t make it sound like a magic pill but he helps you understand just how vital it is to your success to adopt social selling. If you want to know more about social selling and how it can change your sales strategy make sure to catch this episode of #SellingWithSocial.
Top 3 Ways To Start Social Selling
To start something new, sometimes all it takes is a push in the right direction. Consider this your PUSH! Here are Ian’s top three ways to start selling with social today!
- Willingness. You have to buy into the social selling mindset and strategy.
- Presentation. Your first impression is a digital one. How do you personally come across online? What do your social media profiles look like?
- Training. Like every good tool or tactic, you need good training. Find the courses or books that have helped sales people you respect adopt social selling.
If you’d like to hear more about how you can get started with social selling today, make sure to catch more insight from Ian on this episode of #SellingWithSocial!
Top 3 Ways 2 Start #SocialSelling TODAY! W #Sales expert @imoyse #SellingWithSocial #SalesLeadership Share on XOutline of This Episode
- [1:10] I welcome Ian Moyse to the podcast.
- [3:00] Ian talks about his background.
- [6:00] How has selling and buyer engagement changed recently?
- [10:00] The four characteristics of today’s buyer.
- [13:20] What is Social Selling?
- [19:40] How do you know Social Selling works?
- [29:00] Ian’s top three ways to get involved with Social Selling.
- [32:40] How sales leaders can overcome ambivalence toward Social Selling.
- [37:30] The role of marketing regarding Social Selling.
- [43:30] One piece of advice from Ian to grow YOUR sales revenue in 2017!
- [46:15] Who inspires Ian?
Resources Mentioned
- Ian’s Twitter page:
- Ian’s LinkedIn page:
- Ian’s Facebook page:
- Make sure to catch episode #11 with Brian Fanzo
- The LinkedIn post that started it all, check it out…
- Telemagic
- Movie: Rocky
- Book: Social Selling
Connect with Mario!
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- On Twitter
- On LinkedIn
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Is #SocialSelling just another #Sales tool? Learn more w @imoyse #SalesLeadership #SocialSales #SMM Share on X Don’t wait - embrace #SocialSelling NOW! Reasons why w @imoyse #SalesLeadership #Sales #Leadership Share on X