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We’ve all heard that there are advantages to selling to the C Suite, but do you know what they are and how to make the most of them? My guest on this episode of #SellingWithSocial is one of the foremost authorities on selling at C Level, Steve Hall. Steve believes and teaches that If you sell high value B2B products or services, it’s better to sell as high up the chain as you can.

In this conversation we talk about why you want to get to the C Suite as soon as possible, what you should do if the C Level executives are not the ones making buying decisions, how to avoid managers making b2b sales presentations on your behalf, what to do if you get blocked at a lower level, and so much more. Steve’s got the experience and the insight to help you sell better to the C Suite, so don’t miss this episode.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Curious how to master #selling to the C Suite? Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso and guest @SteveHallSydney for this episode of #SellingWithSocial. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips #Sales” quote=”Curious how to master #selling to the C Suite? Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso and guest @SteveHallSydney for this episode of #SellingWithSocial. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips #Sales”]


Why You Don’t Want A Middle Manager Selling On Your Behalf

Most organizations are organized in a way that sales calls are kept away from those in executive level positions. As a result, most sales presentations are made to someone in a middle management position who doesn’t have the authority to make a buying decision. As a result, they have to take your carefully crafted sales message up the chain for you. You don’t want that – and here’s why.

Nobody within the company, no matter how convinced they are about your solution, is going to have the passion and expertise needed to truly sell their superiors on it. You’ve got to find a way to do that yourself. That means getting your foot in the door of those “higher” positions that do make the decisions. This episode of Selling With Social will help you know how to do that as my friend, Steve shares his tips for selling at C level.


Should You Try To Sell To The C Suite When Decisions Are Made By Others?

Many global organizations are led by executives who empower those at the Director level to make buying decisions. In that case, the Director level may BE the place you want to have your most important conversations. But Steve says that doesn’t mean you avoid trying to connect with the C level executives. To drive his point home, Steve asks some simple questions: Who else is going to have the influence within the company that the C Suite executives do? What benefits will you receive from C level individuals recommending you to those down the line from them who DO make the decisions?

Are you starting to get the point? Listen to our conversation to hear how Steve recommends approaching those at the executive level. His approach includes knowing what senior executives really care about and what you can help them with, having a compelling message to get you a meeting, a plan to make sure that your first executive meeting is a success, and more. Don’t miss it!

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Should you try to #sell to the C Suite when decisions are made by others? Yes! Learn why from @SteveHallSydney on this episode of #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips #Sales” quote=”Should you try to #sell to the C Suite when decisions are made by others? Yes! Learn why from @SteveHallSydney on this episode of #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips #Sales”]


If You Get Blocked At A Lower Level, A Team Approach Can Open The Door

When you get to a place in your attempts to reach the C Suite that you’re blocked at a lower level, what can you do? Steve recommends you take a team approach at that point, turning the conversation in a different direction by saying something like this…

“My CEO would like to chat with your CEO. Can you tell me how to connect them?”

This puts the conversation on a whole new level and opens the door to more possibilities. Learn more sales tips like this from the master of C Suite selling, Steve Hall.


What’s The Best Way To Prepare For A C Level Sales Meeting?

It can be nerve-wracking to walk into a C Level executive meeting. But it doesn’t have to be if you know how to prepare. Steve says you have to be clear on some very important things…

But you also need to consider…

By asking these questions you’re determining what insights you can provide them (value) that will make them feel that the time they set aside for your meeting was worthwhile. Be specific in determining the value you’re going to provide, based on research you’ve done about them and their needs.

But don’t stop there. Think about what they are likely to ask you – and be prepared to respond. Finally, know what your next step is and how you can create a path back to the executive should he/she send you elsewhere. Listen to hear Steve explain all of these items in more detail.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”What’s the best way to prepare for a C Level #sales meeting? Find out from @SteveHallSydney on this episode of #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips” quote=”What’s the best way to prepare for a C Level #sales meeting? Find out from @SteveHallSydney on this episode of #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips”]


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[click_to_tweet tweet=”You don’t want a middle manager #selling to the C Suite for you. Learn why from @SteveHallSydney on this episode of #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips #Sales” quote=”You don’t want a middle manager #selling to the C Suite for you. Learn why from @SteveHallSydney on this episode of #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips #Sales”]

[click_to_tweet tweet=”If you get blocked at a lower level, a team approach can lead to the sale. Learn how from @SteveHallSydney on this episode of #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips #sales” quote=”If you get blocked at a lower level, a team approach can lead to the sale. Learn how from @SteveHallSydney on this episode of #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. LISTEN NOW! #SocialSelling #BizSales #SalesTips #sales”]

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