The COVID-19 pandemic has many sales leaders scrambling to create or find virtual sales training that works. In one sense, that’s entirely understandable. As the virus spreads, more and more sales training companies are having to cancel scheduled sales training events and companies are requiring their sales teams to work from home. Moving forward, methods of training that do not require in-person attendance are needed.

But in another sense, I’m left shaking my head. We are in the 2020s—it seems to me that most companies should have already had some form of virtual sales training in place. We at Vengreso have already created and implemented our own virtual sales program, focused on helping those who prospect via social media (social selling) to do it in a modern and effective way.

We’ve seen incredible results from what we’ve created because we’ve integrated neuroscience and modern learning principles into our curriculum. On this episode, my guest Kurt Shaver (one of my co-founders at Vengreso) helps me unpack the principles that go into a powerful virtual sales training course to help you equip your team of sales professionals no matter the circumstances.

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Are you scrambling to build a virtual #Sales training course for your team? Listen to learn best practices from CSO @KurtShave and CEO @M_3Jr of Vengreso, on @GoModernSelling podcast ep. 138. #DigitalSales #cadenceguide @xant_ai Share on X

Hands-Down, Virtual Sales Training Is More Effective Than In-Person Events

Recent studies diving into the effectiveness of group training events reveal details that are both alarming and vitally important when developing any kind of training. A study by Gartner reveals that as a result of live group training events, participants lose 70% of what they’ve learned within six days and 87% within six weeks. That’s a very poor ROI in my book.

Comparatively, the Harvard Business Review reports the opposite impact of in-person sales training: through virtual training, 80% of the information is retained after 60 days when a technique known as “spacing” is utilized. Interestingly, the utilization of spacing is ONLY possible in an online training environment.

We’ll unpack what spacing is in a moment, but to our point here—the difference between in person sales training and online virtual training for your sales team could be significant when it comes to retention and effectiveness.

However, a successful face-to-face seller doesn’t always translate to a virtual selling superstar. In fact, those sales reps require a particular set of virtual selling skills that will keep their customers engaged and eager to continue to connect with them.

If You Intend To Build Your Own Digital Sales Training, Take It Seriously

During our conversation on this episode of #ModernSelling, Kurt makes a great point by referring to the effort and time required to learn a language. You don’t simply cram to learn the grammar and vocabulary of a foreign language and suddenly become fluent. It takes time—and that’s time spent while immersed in the practice and use of the language. That’s because practice makes perfect.

Kurt’s point? The same is true for the creation and development of your digital sales training materials.

You must ensure that what you’re creating will contain the right concepts and information AND be effective. For instance, our program took over 10,000 combined man-hours to compile, record, refine, and publish. The results – we received the Gold Stevie Award in 2020 for the best sales training program for the second consecutive year.

That being said, don’t think you can slap something together quickly or easily. It requires funds and personnel to tackle a training project of this magnitude.

If you intend to build your own digital #SalesTraining, take it seriously. Learn what should go into it from CSO @KurtShaver and CEO @M_3Jr of Vengreso, on this ep. of @GoModernSelling podcast. #Sales #salescadenceguide @xant_ai Share on X

If You’re Going To Invest In Building Your Own Virtual Training, Do This!

If you’re willing to put in the 10,000+ hours and financial resources to build a truly effective virtual sales training course for your team, good for you! But you’ll need to ensure effectiveness. How do you do that?

Certainly not with a PowerPoint presentation and droning narration. In this episode, we cover the following seven science-backed components to an effective online training.

  1. Include Gamification
  2. Implement Chunking and Spacing
  3. Promote Deliberate Practice
  4. Integrate plenty of Repetition into your course
  5. Use the power of Video to keep students engaged
  6. Include periodic exercises to Test Knowledge
  7. Supplement everything with Personal Sales Coaching (group or one on one)

Kurt and I define all of these in our conversation and explain why we prefer a group coaching approach to a one-on-one coaching approach, so be sure you listen!

Virtual Sales Training Elements

Now, I want to give you some virtual training best practices and more details about all the elements you need to create your own virtual training. Watch the following video to learn how to create a virtual sales training program.

Here’s what I cover in this one-hour long webinar:

1. What ineffective sales training program looks like

2. Three techniques to improve long term retention or long term memory

3. Benefits of virtual training-led instructor

If You Can’t Build Your Own Online Sales Training, What Alternatives Exist?

You may feel like you have neither the expertise nor the interest in investing in the creation of your own virtual sales training. That’s OK, there is no need to reinvent that wheel, especially if you’re only looking for a short-term solution while employees are working from home because of the restrictions forced by COVID-19.

Our training program—Selling with LinkedIn ® —is one example of the types of resources that are available. If you explore others be sure you look for a course that was designed with those seven principles of effective learning. Our course includes them by design.

Whatever you decide, ensure that your training dollars are being invested wisely. Listen to this episode to learn more about what we recommend.  Share it with a colleague who is sitting at home trying to sell in the new normal!

If you can’t build your own online #sales training, what alternatives exist? Find out from Vengreso CSO @KurtShaver and CEO @M_3Jr, on this episode of the @GoModernSelling podcast. #DigitalSelling #cadenceguide @xant_ai Share on X


Outline of This Virtual Sales Training Episode

Table of Contents
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