Ever felt like you’re on a treadmill, running after sales targets but never quite catching up? Maybe it’s time to pause and reassess.

Sales training: two words that hold the potential to change your game entirely. Gazing up at the daunting mountain, a skilled guide provides the necessary tools for success – sales training programs designed to transform your game. It seems daunting until an experienced guide hands you climbing gear – tools designed for success.

This post is your metaphorical guide through different types of sales training programs available and their benefits. We’ll explore top-notch companies providing these services, including our number one pick: Vengreso’s FlyMSG Sales Pro for Teams program.

A promotional banner with a yellow brick wall background shows a computer monitor displaying various colorful graphs and charts. Text reads, "Easily Outline Your Sales Strategy with Effective Prospecting. FOLLOW OUR SALES PLAN TEMPLATE." A purple button reads, "Download the Template Now." The Vengreso logo is in the corner.

We’ll also help you navigate choosing the right company for your needs and implementing successful strategies in-house. Curious about whether virtual or in-person sessions work better? Or how long-term retention can be achieved?

Your answers await…A woman is conducting social selling training for a group of people.

Here's what we'll cover: Click to Show TOC

What is Sales Training?

Sales training is a process to equip salespeople with the capabilities they need to be successful in their roles and make deals. It involves developing strategies and techniques that help knowledge workers engage potential customers and close deals. 

No single technique is suitable for all scenarios in sales training; it relies on elements such as business size, sector, product or service type. This Salesforce article offers a great insight into the dynamics of this concept.

The Need for Sales Training

In a fiercely competitive market, just relying on the quality of your products or pricing is not enough. Your team’s ability to understand customer needs and position your offerings as solutions are key success determinants.

This necessitates effective sales training – a critical tool that helps teams get better at what they do: selling. A well-trained sales force doesn’t just sell products; they build relationships with clients leading to repeat business over time.

*Pro tip: In a modern world, logo animators and graphic designers can have a significant influence on effective sales training by helping create visually appealing and engaging training materials. These professionals can design visually impactful logos, banners, and presentations that capture the attention of sales trainees and enhance their understanding of key sales concepts.

The Structure of Sales Training Programs

A typical program might include topics such as understanding buyer behavior, mastering negotiation tactics, learning how to overcome objections efficiently and closing deals successfully. But remember – each organization has unique requirements.

From my own personal experience in the world of sales and sales enablement, I can 100% tell you that companies using structured programs see significant improvement in their results.

Beyond Just Techniques: The ‘Soft’ Side of Selling

Throughout my 20+ years in the sales world, I found that sales training isn’t just about mastering techniques; it also covers the ‘soft’ side of selling. This includes developing interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and adaptability – all critical for building trust with clients.

Harvard Business Review’s article on pandemic-era sales underscores this aspect well: in today’s digital-first world, relationship-building is more crucial than ever before.

Want to up your #sales game? #Salestraining isn't just tactics—it's about understanding customers, building trust and adaptability. No one-size-fits-all here, but the results are worth it. @M_3Jr #SuccessInSelling Share on X

Types of Sales Training

Sales training exists in a variety of forms, tailored to the specific needs of businesses and their personnel. These methods include onsite programs, online or on-demand offerings, and hybrid models that blend elements from both.

1. Onsite Sales Training Programs

An onsite sales training program, as its name suggests, takes place at your business location. This traditional model offers the advantage of in-person instruction, enabling trainers to give immediate feedback and support. But it’s not without drawbacks. As a Keynote speaker myself, I can asure you – it often requires a significant investment in time and resources.

2. Online or On-Demand Sales Training Programs

The rise of technology has made way for online or on-demand sales training programs. These platforms let your team learn at their own pace from any location with internet access—a convenient option especially amidst today’s remote work trend.

Companies like Udemy, offer vast libraries of courses covering every aspect of selling techniques imaginable—right at your fingertips anytime you need them.

3. Hybrid Sales Training Programs

A compromise between these two is a hybrid model which combines onsite learning sessions with ongoing digital content access. Personally, this is my favorite type of learning environment. It provides the immediacy of personal instruction along with the flexibility offered by online tools.

For instance, companies such as Vengreso offer solutions that marry physical workshops alongside extensive digital sales programs and learning modules – getting you the best bang for your buck.

When choosing among these types, consider factors such as budget constraints (onsite tends to be pricier), team availability (online offers flexibility), and your preferred learning style (hybrid gives you the best of both worlds). With so many options available, there’s a sales training solution out there that will fit just right for your organization.

Dive into the world of #sales training. From onsite programs for real-time feedback to on-demand online courses like Udemy, and hybrid models by Vengreso combining both. Choose what fits your team's needs best. #SalesTraining Share on X

Benefits of Sales Training

Trust me when I tell you that sales training brings a bounty of benefits to knowledge workers, in their career as well as their personal life. Sales training isn’t just about getting people to purchase what you’re offering, but rather honing their capacity for critical thought, communication abilities, and an insight into human conduct. All of this while also being able to identify a problem and hopefully being able to provide a solution.

The Art Of Persuasion

Persuading someone isn’t simply convincing them to buy what you’re selling; it’s more about making them realize how your product or service can solve their problems. Effective sales training gives employees this crucial skill set.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

A well-trained salesperson is a problem solver who knows how to analyze customer needs accurately. They learn critical thinking skills that help anticipate potential issues before they arise.

Better Communication Skills

No one denies the importance of effective communication in sales. Good sales training programs enhance verbal and non-verbal communication abilities which are essential for creating rapport with clients and closing deals successfully.

An Understanding Of Human Behavior

In-depth understanding of buyer psychology helps salespeople tailor their approach based on individual client preferences – another key takeaway from good quality sales training sessions. Studies show this increases success rates dramatically.

Boost your #sales game. Learn #persuasion, critical thinking, and ace #communication. Understand buyer behavior to solve customer problems effectively. @M_3Jr #SalesTrainingBenefits ️ Share on X

Nothing is more exhilarating than being in front of a room of sellers seeing their eyes light up at how to properly message, ask for a referral, and how to prospect better and sell more!

We do this through a combination of both technology and education. I like to call it SaaS+!sales is hard. Prospecting is even harder. The key to success is understanding the algorithm on email, social media and data patterns on phone calling. By understanding the channel… you unlock success.

So what’s our formula for prospecting success?

1. Omni-channel (phone, email and social)
2. Prospecting messages that lead w value.
3. Make social work for you. Understand the algorithm and let LinkedIn serve up your content to your buyer.
4. Daily cadence on social of 30x30x30 (all minutes), add to that email cadence of 1-2 hours and phone calling 1-2 hours.

Yes, if you add it all up it equals 3 hours of prospecting per day minimum. Learn more about FlyMSG Sales Professional for Teams by clicking here.

Vengreso’s FlyMSG Sales Pro for Teams

Transforming your sales team into revenue-generating champions isn’t an overnight task. It takes the right tools, a dynamic approach, and a comprehensive training program like Vengreso’s FlyMSG Sales Pro for Teams.

FlyMSG is more than just another sales training course—it’s about mastering modern selling techniques that can drive remarkable results.

A New Approach to Modern Selling

This innovative program dives deep into practical methods of prospecting in today’s digital world. The goal? To help your teams not only meet but exceed their targets consistently.

The focus is on real-world application over theoretical concepts. That means every session aims at empowering participants with actionable strategies they can use immediately after the training ends.

Incorporating High-Tech Tools

woman looking at hologramsBeyond traditional sales skills, Vengreso also provides cutting-edge technology to support learning and execution—like its unique ‘Flywheel Effect’ technique.

This strategy helps align all elements of your sales process—from lead generation through closing deals—to create seamless experiences for customers while boosting productivity within your team.

Tailored Training Program

No two businesses are alike—and neither should be their approach towards selling. Vengreso recognizes this by offering customized programs designed specifically around each company’s unique needs and challenges.

With Vengreso’s flexible courses, you get exactly what you need: whether it’s mastering social selling, refining communication skills or enhancing CRM utilization.

Speaking of social selling, check out 4 ways to master your sales etiquette on social media right here:

Retaining and Applying Sales Training

Vengreso’s approach doesn’t stop at providing training—it ensures that the knowledge sticks around long after.

This is achieved by using scientifically proven retention techniques such as testing effect, spacing effect, and chunking technique—all designed to help your team not just learn but retain information for a lasting impact.

Research suggests these methods can drive significant improvements in memory recall—critical when it comes to turning new sales strategies into everyday habits.

Key Takeaway: 

With Vengreso’s FlyMSG Sales Pro for Teams, you’re not just getting another sales training program. This is a real game-changer. It employs cutting-edge selling techniques and advanced tools to let your team smash their targets time after time. Every course is custom-made to fit your specific business needs, prioritizing practical application over theory. And the best part? They make sure that this valuable knowledge stays with your team long-term through proven retention strategies.

A man with curly hair, glasses, and a suit gives a thumbs-up in front of a brick wall. The text reads, “Read our Definitive Modern Sales Leader’s Guide to B2B Sales.” There's a button labeled "See What’s Working" and the "vengreso" logo in the top right corner. The background is yellow and purple.

Top 21 Sales Training Companies

The landscape of sales training is diverse, offering a range of programs tailored to various needs. Here’s an overview of the top 21 companies leading the way.

1. Vengreso – FlyMSG Sales Pro for Teams – Sales Prospecting Training

Vengreso, taking the lead spot, provides modern sales mastery with their FlyMSG Sales Pro program. This program focuses on prospecting techniques that drive revenue growth and foster team unity.

2. Negotiation Experts

Next up are Negotiation Experts and their Sales Negotiation Training program. They specialize in improving your negotiation skills to secure profitable deals without damaging client relationships.

3. Sandler Training

In third place we have Sandler Training, who focus on building lasting behaviors and attitudes necessary for sustained success through reinforcement training methodology.

4. Action Selling

Moving forward, let’s not forget about Action Selling. Their approach concentrates on customer interaction stages ensuring more productive outcomes from each conversation you engage in with potential clients.


No list would be complete without mentioning MEDDICC’s Sales Qualification Framework used by the world’s most successful sales teams to drive efficient and predictable growth, that acts as a sidekick to your existing process. By focusing on Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Process, and other key areas, MEDDPICC helps ensure you’re prioritizing the right deals and investing time in opportunities with a high chance of closing.

6. JBarrows Training

Another notable player is JBarrows Training. They offer high-energy sales training focusing on practical strategies that can be immediately implemented for quick results.

7. The Brooks Group

If you’re looking for a custom approach, The Brooks Group designs tailored programs to fit your specific business needs and goals.

8. ValueSelling Associates

ValueSelling Associates, a key player in the field, gives us straightforward frameworks to make sense of complex situations. The program begins by involving leadership to identify the underlying reasons for sales problems. ValueSelling Associates then create a customized and practical program that can be owned and managed by the sales team leadership.

Dive into the diverse landscape of #sales training with top dogs like Vengreso, JBarrows, and Sandler Training. Sharpen your #skills from #prospecting to negotiation for growth. #SalesTraining @M_3Jr Share on X

9.Carew International

Carew International is a company focused on professional development, offering training programs for sales, customer service, and leadership. Their programs are designed to be long-lasting, with a focus on both technical skills and behavioral changes to create a positive impact on company culture and sales performance.

10. Richardson Sales Performance

Renowned for its sales training expertise, Richardson Sales Performance offers comprehensive programs focused on enhancing sales skills, including consultative selling, negotiation, and sales coaching. Their training emphasizes building strong client relationships, understanding buyer needs, and effective communication strategies to drive successful sales outcomes.

11. Factor8 Sales Training

Factor8 caters specifically to the virtual selling landscape. This award-winning company provides training and coaching programs designed to empower both sales reps and managers to excel in remote sales environments. Their focus lies on developing the skills needed to confidently navigate virtual interactions and close deals successfully.

12. Insight Selling by RAIN Group

Centered around understanding customer needs and providing unique insights, Insight Selling by RAIN Group emphasizes uncovering opportunities by delivering value through tailored solutions. This program focuses on positioning sales professionals as trusted advisors who offer valuable perspectives to prospects, enabling them to make informed decisions.

13. Corporate Visions’ Training and Consulting

Corporate Visions offers training and consulting services focusing on messaging, storytelling, and negotiation strategies. Their programs help sales teams craft compelling messages, engage buyers through storytelling, and master negotiation techniques to win more deals.

14. Introduction to Sales by GoSkills

Geared towards beginners, GoSkills’ Introduction to Sales program provides foundational knowledge covering sales techniques, customer relationship management, and effective communication in sales. It’s designed to equip individuals with a solid understanding of sales fundamentals to kickstart their careers in sales.

15. Janek Performance Group

Janek Performance Group is a consultancy specializing in sales performance improvement. They offer a variety of services to help businesses of all sizes boost their sales effectiveness. This includes training programs, online learning modules, and strategic guidance – all designed to equip sales teams with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve world-class results.

16. VantagePoint Performance – Imparta

VantagePoint Performance, now part of Imparta, focuses on helping businesses elevate their sales force through training and development. Their programs target sales managers and their teams, aiming to improve areas like pipeline management, sales agility, and quota achievement. By equipping salespeople with the right skills and strategies, VantagePoint Performance helps organizations maximize sales effectiveness.

17. ASLAN Sales Training

ASLAN’s sales training program focuses on sales methodology, emphasizing buyer-centric approaches, active listening, and consultative selling. Their training equips sales teams with skills to understand customer needs deeply, engage effectively, and navigate complex sales scenarios by fostering meaningful relationships with buyers.

18. SalesDock Academy

SalesDock Academy offers a comprehensive sales training curriculum covering various aspects of the sales process, including lead generation, sales pipeline management, and customer relationship building. Their program provides practical tools and strategies to streamline sales processes and enhance customer engagement for improved sales performance.

19. M3 Learning

M3 Learning offers virtual sales training programs like ProActive Selling™, designed to equip you with the tools and techniques to understand your customers’ needs and close more sales. Their incremental learning approach ensures you can master the material and implement it in your daily practice.

20. The Challenger Sale

Challenger Inc. positions itself as the global leader in sales training and consulting, specializing in the complex sales environment. Their core offering is the Challenger Sale methodology, which equips sales representatives to challenge customer assumptions and offer valuable differentiators. This approach emphasizes building trust and credibility early on, allowing salespeople to navigate complex deals more effectively. Challenger Inc. provides a comprehensive suite of services including training programs, online courses, and coaching tools to help organizations adopt and sustain the Challenger methodology.

21. HubSpot’s Inbound Sales Training

HubSpot’s Inbound Sales Training is a comprehensive program that focuses on modern sales techniques centered around the principles of inbound methodology. It covers crucial aspects such as understanding buyer personas, leveraging technology for sales enablement, honing communication skills, and managing the sales pipeline. The training emphasizes relationship-building, guiding sales professionals to engage authentically, address customer needs, and drive conversions through tailored solutions. Through modules, videos, and practical exercises, it equips participants with the skills needed to adapt to evolving buyer behavior and drive revenue growth by aligning sales approaches with today’s customer preferences.

many hands huddling together for account based marketing

How to Choose a Sales Training Company

I can tell you from personal experience that selecting the right sales training company can seem like a daunting task, but with some strategic thinking and clear criteria in mind, it becomes an achievable mission. Here are key considerations when making your decision.

Understand Your Team’s Needs

To start, you need to clearly define what your team needs from a sales training program. This involves understanding their current skills level and identifying areas that need improvement. Consider conducting an internal survey or consultation process to gather this information effectively.

Check out the following presentation we did, where you will be taken on a journey to fully understand the ever-changing market dynamics that are at play and why (if you’re not careful), you and your sales teams may become ‘old news’. Because in today’s digitally-connected, socially-engaged, mobile-attached and video hungry world, your customers are demanding something ‘different’ from you and your sales team. The question is: Are you responding? – Well, here are 3 reasons why your team WON’T hit quota and how to fix it:

Evaluate The Trainer’s Expertise

The quality of trainers is paramount in any effective sales training program. Ensure they have relevant industry experience and proven success in delivering impactful trainings. Research about their reputation by looking at testimonials or case studies on Vengreso’s website, for example.

Analyze Their Methodology And Content

Different companies use different methods for imparting knowledge such as onsite sessions, online modules or hybrid models combining both aspects. Evaluate which one suits your team best based on their learning preferences and schedule availability.
Moreover, check if the content aligns with modern selling techniques while being adaptable enough to cater specifically to your business’ unique challenges. Consider using something like Vengreso’s FlyMSG Sales Pro approach which uses real-world scenarios through video-based exercises – fostering engagement and long-term retention among learners.

A promotional banner with a yellow brick wall background shows a computer monitor displaying various colorful graphs and charts. Text reads, "Easily Outline Your Sales Strategy with Effective Prospecting. FOLLOW OUR SALES PLAN TEMPLATE." A purple button reads, "Download the Template Now." The Vengreso logo is in the corner.

Measure Potential ROI (Return On Investment)

close up of hands on a tablet looking at graphs for sales enablementPricing shouldn’t be the only factor influencing your decision; instead focus more on value proposition i.e., what will be returned against investment made? Ask questions about how past clients experienced increased revenue growth, improved customer satisfaction rates or boosted team morale post-training.

Look for Ongoing Support and Follow-Up

Just one training session might not be enough to spark lasting changes. Aim for firms that offer continuous help through things like follow-up courses, coaching sessions or resources such as Vengreso Blog.

Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the perfect sales training company can be a challenge, but it’s totally achievable if you’ve got clear goals and standards. Kick things off by getting to grips with your team’s needs – understand their skills and areas they need to beef up. Dig into the trainers’ industry background and history of delivering successful trainings. Consider their teaching methods: is it in-person, online or a blend? Make sure what they’re teaching lines up

Implementing a Successful Sales Training Program

To implement a successful sales training program, it’s crucial to start with an understanding of your team’s needs and learning styles. “Not planning is tantamount to plotting failure.” This maxim applies just as much to the implementation of a successful sales training program.

Determine Your Team’s Needs

Begin by identifying what your team needs from this training. Do they need help refining their pitch? Or do they struggle more with handling objections or closing deals? Get insights into these questions before deciding on the content of your program.

A well-planned sales training needs analysis can provide valuable information about where improvements are needed most.

Selecting the Right Type of Training

Picking the right type of sales training is also critical in ensuring its success. Whether it be onsite, online or hybrid programs, select one that fits best with how your team learns and works together. Remember that no two teams are identical – what works for others may not work for yours.

Vary Your Teaching Methods

Mix up teaching methods within each session to keep engagement high. Incorporate lectures but balance them out with interactive sessions like role-plays and simulations so participants get practical experience too. Research shows that variety helps retention rates among learners.

Sales Process Reinforcement Techniques

  • The Testing Effect:

Research shows that frequent testing helps reinforce learning. Make sure to incorporate quizzes and tests into your training program.

  • The Spacing Effect:

A proven technique in memory retention, spacing out the learning sessions can help ensure long-term knowledge absorption by avoiding cramming information all at once.

  • The Chunking Technique:

Psychology defines ‘chunking’ as the process of breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable units or “chunks”. This technique aids in easier processing and understanding, specially when dealing with complex and intricate concepts.

Planning a #sales training program? Start by understanding your team's needs and #learning styles. Remember, the right mix of teaching methods boosts engagement and retention. #SalesTraining #SuccessTips by @M_3Jr Share on X

Sales Training Topics to Create Your Own Sales Training

Creating a robust and effective sales training program requires an understanding of key topics that will boost the performance of your team. These include product knowledge training, effective listening skills, sales process mastery, prospecting, problem-solving skills, CRM training, handling objections, pitch sessions and closing skills training.

Product Knowledge Training

A deep understanding of what you’re selling is fundamental for any successful sale. It allows a rep to confidently answer questions and overcome objections. To enhance this skill set within your team members, Salesforce suggests detailed walkthroughs of products or services on offer.

Effective Listening Skills

In addition to being good talkers, great sellers are also active listeners who can pick up on subtle cues from their prospects. Developing these skills takes practice but it’s worth every minute spent because it lets you better understand customer needs.

Sales Process Mastery

The sales process, from lead generation through prospecting right down to closing deals, is crucial in driving success in sales roles. Understanding each step intimately helps reps navigate complex buyer journeys effectively.

CRM Training

A modern-day seller cannot function without adeptness at using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like Salesforce or HubSpot, which aid tracking leads and managing relationships. This CRM training guide from Copper is a great resource to get started.

*Pro-Tip: Check out the following video to learn how to use FlyMSG the auto text expander directly on HubSpot:

Handling Objections

No sales journey is devoid of objections, but how you handle them can make or break the deal. Salespeople need to learn strategies that will help them gracefully and effectively overcome these obstacles. HubSpot’s guide on handling common sales objections could be helpful in this regard.

Looking to supercharge your #sales team's performance? Focus on these must-have #salestraining topics: product knowledge, active listening, mastering the sales process, CRM skills and handling objections. Knowledge is power! @M_3Jr Share on X

What’s Better In-person Sales Training or Virtual Sales Training

The question of whether in-person sales training trumps virtual sales training, or vice versa, is a common one. But it isn’t about which mode of delivery is better overall; rather, the focus should be on how each method impacts information retention and habit change over time.8 people in a meeting listening to a person standing

In-Person Sales Training: An Intense Knowledge Boost

In-person sales training sessions can be highly interactive and dynamic. They give participants an opportunity to engage with trainers directly, ask questions in real-time and practice their skills through role-plays. These benefits make face-to-face instruction particularly useful for intensive learning periods that span 1-2 days.

But here’s the rub – while these workshops may deliver a wealth of knowledge quickly, they might not guarantee long-term memory retention if key concepts aren’t continually reinforced post-training.

Virtual Sales Training: The Slow-and-Steady Winner?

Moving onto virtual sales training – think marathon rather than sprint. A virtual learning environment allows learners to absorb content at their own pace across extended timelines like 60-90 days for a single topic area.

This slow-drip approach helps ensure trainees internalize important lessons before moving onto new ones. Research suggests this spaced-out methodology improves long-term retention rates significantly as compared to massed learning (where all material is learned at once).

A Balance Between Both Worlds?

Sometimes though, businesses find themselves needing elements from both styles of teaching – hence why hybrid models are gaining traction lately. Hybrid methods combine synchronous (real-time) interactions found in traditional classroom settings with asynchronous (self-paced) elements characteristic of online courses. The idea here is to harness the best of both worlds and tailor learning experiences based on individual needs.

Let’s Not Forget Retention Strategies

Whichever delivery method you pick, it’s crucial to use powerful retention tactics like the testing effect, the spacing effect, and chunking in your training schemes. These strategies make sure that salespeople don’t forget.

Key Takeaway: 

Deciding between face-to-face or online sales training isn’t about choosing the best. It’s all about how each approach aids in keeping information and altering habits long-term. In-person meetings are fantastic for deep, hands-on learning, while online sessions let folks soak up knowledge at a comfortable speed. But don’t forget – no matter the style, potent memory tactics like exams, spacing out lessons, and breaking down info into manageable parts remain key.

3 Strategies to Drive Long Term Retention of Sales Training

The key to effective sales training lies not only in the delivery but also in long-term retention. To ensure your team retains and applies their learning, you need strategies that engage them beyond a one-time session.

1. The Testing Effect: Learn by Doing

Research has shown that frequent testing enhances knowledge retention more than rote studying. This method is known as the ‘testing effect’. But don’t just administer tests – give constructive feedback on performance too. It helps trainees understand where they can improve.

2. The Spacing Effect: Distribute Learning Over Time

A second technique for better recall is the ‘spacing effect’. By spreading out learning sessions over time rather than cramming everything into one intensive session, learners have a chance to digest and internalize information before moving on to new content. This spaced repetition makes sure each concept sticks before introducing more complexity.

3. The Chunking Technique: Break Down Complex Concepts

In psychology, ‘chunking’ refers to breaking down complex information into smaller, manageable units or chunks—think bite-sized lessons instead of an overwhelming feast of knowledge all at once. The chunking technique facilitates easier processing and understanding—a vital aspect when dealing with complicated sales concepts or procedures.

Practical Application within Sales Training Programs

  • To implement these techniques effectively within your sales enablement strategy, start with setting up regular quizzes based on recently taught topics — this leverages the testing effect by actively recalling what was learned previously.
  • Distribute your training schedule over several weeks or even months instead of a few days — this puts the spacing effect into action, giving trainees time to absorb and practice new skills between sessions.
  • Break down complex topics into smaller segments that can be easily digested—this is chunking in action. It not only makes understanding easier but also aids in retention.

By merging these three strategies, your team’s knack for holding onto knowledge will see a serious boost.

Key Takeaway: 

Boost long-term sales training retention by using the ‘testing effect’ with regular quizzes and feedback, applying the ‘spacing effect’ to distribute learning over time, and breaking down complex topics into manageable chunks through ‘chunking’. Implement these strategies for a significant improvement in your team’s knowledge hold.

FAQs in Relation to Sales Training

What should a sales training include?

Sales training needs to cover product knowledge, effective listening skills, the sales process, prospecting, problem-solving skills, CRM usage, handling objections, and closing deals.

What are the five methods of sales training?

The top five methods are on-the-job coaching, role-playing exercises, online courses or webinars (e-learning), group workshops/seminars, and one-on-one mentoring.

What is the most effective sales training method?

No one-size-fits-all here. The best method hinges on your team’s needs and learning styles. A blend of different techniques often yields solid results though.

What is a sales training program?

A program that helps your crew master key selling tactics and strategies. It can boost their performance as well as your bottom line if done right.


Sales training can be a transformative force, providing the guidance necessary to make achieving targets less daunting. With the right guide, climbing towards your goals may appear less intimidating.

There are many types of programs out there – onsite, online and hybrids. Each has its own strengths.

Vengreso’s FlyMSG Sales Pro for Teams tops our list of sales training companies that provide real value. But remember: one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to choosing a company.

A successful implementation strategy can transform your team into revenue-generating powerhouses while focusing on specific topics will help build key skills effectively.

In-person or virtual? Both have their merits but retention over time matters most. Strategies like testing effect, spacing effect and chunking technique drive long-term learning impact!

Take it from me: Sales training isn’t just about hitting numbers – it’s about fostering growth, knowledge and lasting change.

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