Did you know that Account Based Marketing is DEAD? There is a new concept that makes SO much more sense than Account Based Marketing and that’s Account Based Revenue. At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about right? Your business will expand because of the revenue that it will generate, so let REVENUE be the focus! To introduce us to this new term, we have sales expert Trish Bertuzzi on this episode of #SellingWithSocial. Trish and her team at The Bridge Group, Inc. have worked with over 350+ B2B technology companies helping them to unleash the power of inside sales. They are on a mission to help companies build repeatable pipelines and accelerate growth using both traditional and account based strategies. If you are ready to leave Account Based Marketing behind and embrace the future with Account Based Revenue, then make sure to catch this episode with Trish!

#AccountBasedMarketing is DEAD find out more w @bridgegroupinc on #SellingWithSocial #Sales Share on X

Goodbye Account Based Marketing, Hello ABR!

Even though Account Based Marketing is the “Buzzword” it’s helpful to move forward with a fresh understanding and a more focused approach. That’s why Trish coined the phrase Account Based Revenue (ABR). She wants to help business leaders like you hone in on a revenue focused strategy. Are you ready to adopt this new emphasis? Do you want to see accelerated growth and increased sales? Trish isn’t just tossing out old concepts for new ones on a whim, she’s an industry expert and she KNOWS what it takes to help businesses like yours push through to the next level of success. What are you waiting for? Listen to this episode of #SellingWithSocial to embrace this new approach!

Effective Storytelling with the Account Based Revenue Strategy

Often Trish will consult with a business and face push back on her mission to move from Account Based Marketing to an Account Based Revenue strategy. She will hear leaders say that they have adopted a revenue-focused approach because they are connecting with multiple individuals on a specific account. Of course, that is a step in the right direction but Trish wants to take businesses even further and help them craft a unified story that is so compelling and uniquely tailored to that client in a way they’ve never seen before. This approach requires a lot of trust and flexibility as Trish and her team brings marketing and sales into harmony so they can tell the same story. If you’d like to hear more about Trish’s strategy, make sure to listen to this episode of #SellingWithSocial!

Learn how 2 tell a clear #Sales story w the ABR #Strategy from @bridgegroupinc on #SellingWithSocial Share on X

Shedding Light vs Casting Shade on Social

Do you feel the need to add value or make a point? You might think that both can be true at the same time but Trish points out that these options represent two very different approaches on Social. She calls it “Shedding light or Casting Shade.” Shedding light is when you see a request for help or information and you present your solution, this adds value and brings to light new information. Casting shade is when you see someone’s solution and you tear it down to make a point and/or to bolster your information as being superior, thus casting a shade upon the information they brought to light. With her years as an expert with inside sales, Trish is trying to educate sales leaders like you to know these two different approaches and to work toward shedding light and stay away from casting shade. To hear Trish expand on these concepts, make sure to listen to this episode of #SellingWithSocial!

Why Sales and Marketing MUST Collaborate

You remember that famous line from “The A Team,” right? “I love it when a plan comes together.” A plan coming together should be the goal when marketing and sales collaborate on an account based strategy. But too often the plan gets one sided and the either sales or marketing gets marginalized. These two groups coming together play a KEY role in leaving behind the old Account Based Marketing and embracing the Account Based Revenue approach. On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from Trish as she emphasizes the need for sales and marketing to work together for an account based revenue strategy to succeed. You don’t want to miss Trish’s valuable insight on this episode!

Why #Sales & #Marketing MUST Collaborate to succeed w @bridgegroupinc on #SellingWithSocial Share on X

Outline of This Episode

  • [1:20] I welcome Trish Bertuzzi to the podcast.
  • [2:30] Trish tells her story, the cliff notes version.
  • [4:00] The death of ABM and the rise of ABR!
  • [5:30] Where do you want your revenue to come from?
  • [11:30] Why the Account Based Revenue strategy works.  
  • [13:30] An example of how hyper personalization makes an impact.
  • [21:00] How do traditional sales strategies fit into an ABR approach?
  • [23:00] Social sales engagement and ABR.
  • [26:00] The difference between sheding light and casting shade on Social.
  • [29:30] Why Sales and Marketing need to collaborate.

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Goodbye #AccountBasedMarketing, Hello ABR! Get the details w @bridgegroupinc #SocialSelling #Sales Share on X Learn the difference between Shedding Light & Casting Shade w @bridgegroupinc #SocialSelling #Sales Share on X


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