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What separates a good customer experience from a great one that instantly attracts repeat business? That’s the question we’re diving into in this episode of The Modern Selling Podcast.

My guest, Shep Hyken, is nothing short of the Godfather of Customer Experience – having authored eight books on the subject and working with hundreds of thousands of clients to elevate their service to turn repeat customers into lifelong brand fans.

Listen in to the in-depth conversation, to hear the actionable advice and strategies Shep shares that can keep your customers wanting to come back for more.

Shep Hyken, is a Hall of Fame speaker, New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, and the CAO (Chief Amazement Officer) of Shepard Presentations. As a customer service and experience expert and keynote speaker, Shep works with companies that want to build loyal relationships with their customers and employees. His focus is on delivering amazing customer service, customer engagement, managing the customer experience and creating customer loyalty. In his newest book, I’ll Be Back: How to Get Customers to Come Back Again and Again Shep outlines the must-have tools, tactics, and strategies companies need to recession-proof their business by providing unmatched customer experiences.

Make sure to download this episode to get the inside scoop on what you should be doing to build a raving tribe of extremely loyal customers.

What separates a good customer experience from a great one that instantly attracts repeat business? That’s the question we’re diving into in this ep of @GoModernSelling With guest @Hyken and host @M_3Jr Share on X

The New Era of Customer Service

In sales we’ve experienced a shift in how we reach and engage with prospects in this new modern buyer’s market.

But, I wanted to get clear on what Shep saw as the transition that’s happening (or needs to happen) in order to nurture customers along their buying journey.

He shares, “Things haven’t changed the customers that we service, they still want to be taken care of. And, when they’re finished with whatever the interaction is, they want to be happy.”

At Vengreso, we teach the art of modern selling and how these sales principles can cut across all departments within your organization. Because when you are “selling with service” many of the ideas and techniques that work in prospecting and sales can (and should) be translated to boost customer service teams.

For example, if your prospects have a stellar experience with the sales team and then commit to buy from you. But, then experience lackluster customer service and decide to never buy from you again, then your teams are in essence working against each other.

That’s why Shep says, “Sales leaders need to recognize that no matter what business they’re in, customers are always benchmarking their experiences based on the best service or experience they’ve had from other businesses in the marketplace.”

So, if they’re accustomed to fast courier services, overnight delivery (thanks to Amazon) or superior flight experiences (à la Southwest), then these become the new standards by which your business is judged on in terms of customer service. Streamlining delivery operations can help ensure your services align with these expectations.

Tune into the entire conversation to hear what Shep says differentiates a mediocre customer experience from one that will instantly turn customers into brand champions. And, why videos are a great strategy to connect with your customers on an intimate level.

What’s the Most Important Customer Service Metric?

For sales leaders, key metrics and data reign supreme! Which is why, here at Vengreso, our prospecting process is rooted in knowing our sales numbers and looking at what is really driving more booked calls and more sales conversions.

But, I wanted to get Shep’s take on what data is the most important for customer service to track and analyze. His answer wasn’t what most people think, “So many customer service people focus on Net Promoter Scores by asking the question: On a scale from 1 to 10, are you likely to recommend us? However, the key metric to track is rather customer behavior – did they actually recommend you?”

Studying customer behavior is such a critical component, not just for customer service but also for sales. I always champion that it’s important to know who your best customers are, what they are buying from you, and why they choose you over your competitors. That way you can infuse those key differentiators into your prospecting scripts on the front end and on the back end, when they’re customers, you can keep giving them more of what they love about you.

Shep agrees,“When you look at it, typically 80% of business comes from 20% of your customers. So, study their behavior and get clear on what you need to do to move as many customers into that top 20% because that’s where you’ll get repeat customers that become loyal customers.”

Make sure to listen in to the full conversation – especially around the 17 minute mark – to hear the perfect way to handle a customer complaint.

“Studying customer behavior is such a critical component, not just for customer service but also for sales.” Tune in to listen to the full conversation between @Hyken and host @M_3Jr this ep. of @GoModernSelling ️ Share on X

What Really Shapes The Customer Service Experience?

How you treat your customers is often what can propel a company to become an industry leader. However, so many organizations fail to do what it takes to deliver an exceptional customer experience. I wanted to see what Shep thought separates those who struggle to keep customers from those who can instantly attract them and keep them coming back for more.

“Amazement in terms of customer experience is within reach for every company – big and small. It’s not about being over the top, it’s about providing consistent and predictable experiences that customers can depend on.”

It’s what Shep calls knowing how to master the “moments of magic” that wins customers over again and again. But, how you handle the “moments of misery” will also define your ability to retain those top 20% of customers.

Tackling those “moments of misery” is what Shep has studied for years and why he recommends using this easy 5-step approach:

  1. Apologize – saying “I’m sorry” goes a long way in the customer’s mind.
  2. Acknowledge – recognize that an error or miscommunication has occurred.
  3. Fix it – work to find a resolution for the customer and keep them informed.
  4. Own it – take ownership of what has happened and seek to fix – not to blame.
  5. Act with urgency – customers want swift action, so give it to them every time. 

This is such a great example of a framework that may require actions from various departments. Which is why I say the customer journey must be owned by not just sales, or the customer service team – but by all levels of the organization.

Download the episode to hear the “train wreck” customer service story I share and what Shep recommends should have been done.

This episode of The Modern Selling Podcast was brought to you by OrgChartHub, a sales tool that integrates into HubSpot, giving your sales team the ability to be more strategic, map out buyers, reporting structures, and identify the role of each buying influencer within an account.

What can propel a company to become an industry leader? Listen to this ep. of @GoModernSelling to discover it! ️ With guest @Hyken and host @M_3Jr Share on X

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