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In a B2B sales environment that is oversaturated with sales tools and technology, how sales organizations create and leverage an integrated sales approach is key.

What worked pre-pandemic to attract the modern buyer isn’t always working now to turn prospects into buyers. Add to that how sales professionals are trained, there’s no wonder that many B2B and B2C sales organizations are struggling to meet their monthly and quarterly sales goals.

That’s why the question that must be answered is: What’s the best approach to not only get sales reps the resources they need to know how to sell, but how can organizations achieve an integrated solution that also provides important sales data?

This is the topic up for discussion in this eye-opening episode of the Modern Selling Podcast. Our guest leads one of the most iconic sales training organizations in the world, so you know his insights will be both actionable and proven.

Christoffer Ellehuus is the President of Korn Ferry Digital. He has a proven track record as a CEO/business leader of tech-enabled service and subscription-based businesses. He has extensive experience leading large established businesses, scaling new business launches, and turnaround situations. With a core speciality in packaging and scaling tech-enabled service and IP businesses into fast-growing subscription platforms – Christoffer is known for turning a multi-year double digit revenue decline into impressive, growing revenues in key markets within 24 months. 

As part of Korn Ferry Digital, he is leading a digital transformation of the traditional advisory business into a more packaged and technology-enabled global service business. 

Download the full episode to learn what new sales data is saying is the best way to book more sales calls and increase win rates.

How can #sales organizations create and leverage an integrated sales approach? This is key within a #B2B sales environment that is oversaturated with sales tools and #technology! @M_3jr @GoModernSelling @Korn_Ferry Click To Tweet


What’s the biggest challenge with sales training?

If you’ve been listening to the Modern Selling Podcast for awhile, then you know that Vengreso had an amazing partnership for years with the Miller Heiman group (who was acquired by Korn Ferry). In fact, Vengreso was the first outside sales training company in its 40 year history that Miller Heiman ever hired.

But, with the pandemic and a rapid shift to online sales, how sales professionals are trained has had to evolve with the times.

So, I was curious to her Christoffer’s take on how sales training is changing and what he sees is the greatest obstacle sales leaders are facing.

His insights were very insightful, “The biggest challenge in sales across all industries is that training isn’t being done in a way that will get measurable results. Often sales reps are put in a room and given a bunch of strategies and methodologies to use. But the truth is, we know that 87% of people will forget what they were taught, in that type of one-off format.”

That’s why integrated technology like Korn Ferry Sell is so important. Now, sales leaders and teams don’t have to manually track sales touch points – across multiple sales technologies. Instead, the data is tracked, in one place, enabling sales professionals to take a more tactical and strategic approach to sales that will result in higher win rates and an overall more efficient sales process.

Listen in to the full conversation to hear what Christoffer believes is another key sales obstacle that B2B companies must overcome to truly increase their sales conversions.

Do you know how to take advantage of the sales #data? “The biggest challenge in #sales across all industries is that #training isn’t being done in a way that will get measurable results”. @Korn_Ferry & @M_3jr @GoModernSelling Click To Tweet

Why has sales engagement become less effective today?

The sales data doesn’t lie! And, at Korn Ferry, Christoffer has millions of sales data points he can use to draw some powerful sales conclusions from.

I wanted to pick his brain and understand, from the data, what could be the reason that sales conversations aren’t as effective as they once were in moving a buyer to a sale.

What he shares truly puts a new perspective on how sales conversations should be structured.

He identifies three core reasons why buyers aren’t buying.

  1. Sellers don’t understand the buyer’s objective. Getting clear on the buyer’s pain point or goals and why they should act now are critical elements that sales professionals are missing.
  2. Sellers struggle to manage stakeholders. In the past, about six buyer profiles would influence the sale. Now, that number is up to 10. Sales professionals have to become masters at studying a prospect’s buying process and knowing who to speak to and when to drive the sale forward.
  3. Sellers don’t communicate value. The sales conversation has to be tailored to the buyer and speak to them. But, when sellers aren’t clear on what a buyer does or how their business works, showcasing your product’s immediate value or creating a sense of urgency to buy that moves the prospect becomes almost impossible.

Download the full episode to hear what specific strategies Christoffer recommends that sales reps take to meet their buyers where they are and speak the right language to lead to a sale.

Did you know that 87% of #sales reps will forget the methodologies they’re taught? That’s why integrated #technology like @Korn_Ferry Sell is so important! @GoModernSelling with @M_3jr Click To Tweet

How can sales organizations increase win rates?

Korn Ferry has such a unique methodology that addresses this very question that I had to make sure it was discussed in this episode.

Christoffer breaks down the two most important components all sales organizations should be implementing to powerfully move the sales needle to get immediate and lasting results.

The two parts are:

Alignment – this is centered around who is on your sales teams. From the skills, personalities, and team dynamics – all of these pieces have to be carefully considered to ensure that who you hire is in alignment with your organizational culture and goals. 

Execution – implementing sales playbooks, strategies, and methodologies all comes down to execution. Are processes being followed? Is sales technology being leveraged the right way? Are the right questions being asked during sales conversations? These are all important things to consider to make sure sales teams are going through the most proven motions that will lead to consistent sales.

Download the episode and listen in to hear how Christoffer suggests sales teams can revamp their approach to win customers faster – with less effort.

This episode of the Modern Selling Podcast is brought to you by Korn Ferry. Korn Ferry transforms sales teams using their world-class Miller Heiman, methodology, employee assessments, benchmarking and talent advisor capabilities to increase win rates and quota attainment. Korn Ferry offers Korn Ferry Sell, a sales effectiveness app available in App Exchange and app source that helps your sales team develop and replicate powerful sales strategies that help sellers win more deals and crush their quotas. Learn more at

Watch here the video version of this episode:

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