Alex Shootman podcast interview on modern business management

How Modern Business Gets Stuff Done


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The modern business landscape has changed – and that change is constant. It’s imperative that business leaders, sales professionals and marketing teams lead the way in getting stuff done effectively.

This episode features Alex Shootman, CEO of Workfront. Workfront is considered by many to be the first modern work management application that connects enterprise work, collaboration, and digital content into an Operational System of Record (OSR). As CEO, Alex drives the overall strategy, vision, and execution of the company, ensuring that Workfront is a dedicated partner in helping its customers transform the modern work experience.

Alex is the author of a new book titled “Done Right,” which is the main topic of this episode. The book is an interactive roadmap for next-generation leaders who need to get things done – from setting strategy to stakeholder buy-in to navigating roadblocks and taking action to get stuff done.

This podcast show is about modern marketing, so Bernie wanted to dig into the specifics of the role of the modern marketer in the ever-changing business environment. Alex says that marketers have the opportunity to be leaders in modern business transformation. Specifically, he says that marketers need to come to the table with business acumen so that they can play a critical role in everything from product creation to product delivery – and directly impact the bottom line.

Join Bernie and Alex for this conversation to gain insights into the things that make marketers – and all stakeholders – an indispensable part of the modern business.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Learn powerful lessons from the masters of modern #work. Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront shares, on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast, with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. 🎧 Listen! #Marketing #GettingThingsDone #DoneRight” quote=”Learn powerful lessons from the masters of modern #work. Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront shares, on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast, with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. 🎧 Listen! #Marketing #GettingThingsDone #DoneRight”]

Learn Powerful Lessons From The Masters Of Modern Work

In writing his book, “Done Right,” Alex made it his goal to glean the best practices for getting things done from 30 of his customers who have a track record of getting things done in spite of the complexity of their organization or business environment. They were asked, “How do YOU get things done?”

Alex considers their responses to represent the best practices in a modern company with a workforce that is engaging in digital transformation. Each chapter in the book is a principle learned from these “Masters of Modern Work” with accompanying stories and actionable artifacts at the end of each chapter readers can use to take action.

Can you imagine how helpful those responses can be to you? Join Bernie and Alex for this great conversation!

How Marketers Can Become Heroes In The Modern Business

Marketing professionals can be right in the middle of their company’s digital transformation. How? By contributing to revenue. It’s a tall order, but one that Alex explains, on this episode.

Modern companies that are transforming to work within the new digital environment need to communicate with customers in personalized, relevant, and consistent ways. Marketers can take a central place in making that happen by working alongside product, technology, sales/distribution and customer service teams.

The reason the marketing team plays such a pivotal role is because they understand the customer. When the modern marketer shows up with good business acumen, he/she is stepping up to drive the business forward through workplace initiatives that call for effective use of the principles Alex outlines in his book Done Right.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Digital transformation depends on business #leaders effectively communicating their WHY. Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront shares, on this ep of @MMEnginePodcast with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. 🎧 Listen! #DigitalMarketing #DoneRight” quote=”Digital transformation depends on business #leaders effectively communicating their WHY. Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront shares, on this ep of @MMEnginePodcast with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. 🎧 Listen! #DigitalMarketing #DoneRight”]

Modern Business Leaders Must Be Able To Effectively Communicate A Clear WHY

When asked for his final thoughts on this podcast episode, Alex Shootman says that the main thing modern business leaders need to embrace is consistently and effectively communicating the REASONS behind why they exist as a company. A clearly articulated vision of WHY – to employees, the Board, the customer, and anyone who comes in contact with the company – is the most important factor in motivating people to getting things done.

You really need to listen to this podcast episode. Alex gives us a glimpse of the insights from his conversations with 30 of the most effective business leaders whose practices form the basis of his inspiring book “Done Right.”

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The modern workplace is changing. Learn how #sales, #marketing, and #leaders can lead the way from Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront, on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast, with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. 🎧 Listen! #DoneRight” quote=”The modern workplace is changing. Learn how #sales, #marketing, and #leaders can lead the way from Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront, on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast, with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. 🎧 Listen! #DoneRight”]

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[click_to_tweet tweet=”How #marketers can become heroes in the Modern Business. Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront shares on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast, with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. 🎧 Listen! #MarketingLeadership #DoneRight” quote=”How #marketers can become heroes in the Modern Business. Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront shares on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast, with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. 🎧 Listen! #MarketingLeadership #DoneRight”]

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Learn how modern business gets stuff done from Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront, on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast, with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. Listen! #Marketing #GettingThingsDone #DoneRight” quote=”Learn how modern business gets stuff done from Alex @Shootman, CEO of @Workfront, on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast, with @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso. Listen! #Marketing #GettingThingsDone #DoneRight”]


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