
Why Recruitment is Marketing


Abby Euler, Global Marketing Evangelist for Talent Acquisition at IBM, reveals how IBM is taking a data-driven marketing approach to recruitment. She explains how the art and science of recruiting is really a digital marketing campaign, made possible through strategy and social technologies.

The fact that recruiters say they would not rehire 39% of their recent hires exposes a fault in the classic, reactive recruitment strategy. Listen to this episode to gain an understanding of how a “recruitment is marketing” approach to talent acquisition provides employers the opportunity to build a pipeline of the right candidates so that when a position opens up a relationship is in place, increasing the chance of converting qualified talent into viable candidates or referrals.

Recruitment is evolving; it’s time to start treating your candidates like consumers.

On This Episode You’ll Discover:

  • The impact an employee has on their employer’s brand and why each employee is potentially a brand ambassador.
  • How referrals still play an important role in talent acquisition.
  • The role of a company’s culture in recruiting and how not all of your employees’ referrals may fit your culture.
  • That most candidates look at more than 18 sources before applying for a job.
  • What is meant by the “art and science” of recruitment and how it correlates to marketing.
  • How IBM Talent Acquisition is applying ideas from marketing campaigns to the recruitment process.
  • How an eye-catching career site and Candidate Relationship Management software (CRM) plays a pivotal role in a “recruitment is marketing” strategy.
  • Why you should apply A/B Testing in recruitment engagement to collect data and choose the right message.
  • The role of social technology in modern talent recruitment including personalized emails based on behavior.


  • How chat and real-time digital conversations are playing more of a role in talent acquisition.
  • Why talent acquisition teams should work together with their marketing team.
  • Why you should think about your own consumer experiences and align best case experiences with your talent acquisition strategy.
  • How Lockheed Martin offers live chatting for veterans in their talent acquisition.
  • How Google used a billboard ad to attract employees and conduct a pre-employment assessment in 2004 in a highly targeted campaign that went viral.
  • Why data analysis spurred Zappos to pull their job board budget and re-allocated to candidate relationship management and head hunting to reach their “A-Candidates.”
  • How as more organizations implement “recruitment as marketing,” there will be a need for more marketing talent.
  • Why recruiters should view their candidate as an audience of one and treat them the same way that consumers are engaged in marketing communications.

“We need to treat candidates the same way that we treat consumers in marketing.” #MarketForTalent

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  • Why Abby says not to be afraid to fail in recruitment as marketing because you can learn from it and revise your plan to achieve desired outcomes.

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P.S. Don’t miss next week’s podcast episode with James Moat, Director, Global Digital Corporate Communication, Avery Dennison. 

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