In this first episode of #VengresoLife, we want to provide insight into what it’s like to work at a 100% virtual company and within a 100% virtual office space. Vengreso pioneer and coordinator Dennise Zavalla, who works with seven bosses all at once and receives hundreds of emails daily, will tell you it is HECTIC! But at the same time, she embraces the fact that Vengreso is a company that pushes her to be at her absolute best. In corporate terms, that means she’s in good company. Literally.


Kurt Shaver, Vengreso Chief Sales Officer, pulls up the digital sales ecosystem graphic to illustrate what it’s been like since having the dream team in place, teasing everyone on the conference call that there’s going to be a quiz about the 4 elements of the digital selling ecosystem. Kidding aside, he asserts his pride in the teamwork they have displayed, providing a wealth of services to clients since the launch of the company only weeks earlier.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Welcome to the #Vengresolife! @M_3jr gives u a peek at how #virtualoffice life is like. #workculture” quote=”Welcome to the #Vengresolife! @M_3jr gives you a peek at how #virtualoffice life is like. #workculture”]

So what is the secret to how a 100% virtual office is able to make long distance relationships work?


Vengreso is a company that practices what we preach. We believe—in no uncertain terms—that communication is key. Even though we’re all hundreds of miles apart, we’re still always pushing for sales and marketing alignment. To make this possible, new hires are required to understand the language of Vengreso on their first day. After all, in order to communicate clearly with one another everyone has to be on the same playing field and understand the game mechanics.

But it isn’t ALL about communication. Vengreso may be young as a company, but we’re armed with the wisdom of social selling experts who have created a culture in which employees are not treated as employees, but as colleagues and assets who’ll play an important role in the employee advocacy program you’ll be hearing more of soon.

[clickToTweet tweet=”“Your culture is your brand” – Tony Hsieh @Zappos CEO. We live by this quote. #Vengresolife @M_3jr” quote=”“Your culture is your brand” – Tony Hsieh @Zappos CEO. We live by this quote. #Vengresolife @M_3jr”]


As a bonus from us, here are 8 takeaways on what a leader should do to build a strong work culture in a virtual office setting


  1. Give importance to team building. Working in a virtual office, it would be close to impossible to conduct a meeting where everyone can be physically present. So as an alternative, you can bond over conference calls for relationship building. Just like what we did in the video above.
  2. Keep everyone in the loop.
    [clickToTweet tweet=”It’s never wrong to over-communicate if u value #SalesMarketingAlignment @M_3jr #VengresoLife” quote=”It’s never wrong to over-communicate if you value #SalesMarketingAlignment @M_3jr #VengresoLife”]
  3. Schedule a “one-on-one time” with each of your team members. There are things that can’t be discussed during a conference call. One-on-one calls are a great opportunity to connect with your virtual team on a personal level.
  4. Be time-zone considerate.
  5. Don’t hold back on the praises—especially those that are well deserved. A “good job” email will boost morale and feelings of being appreciated.
  6. Be available. Dedicate a time every day for your team members to contact you. You want to encourage them to send a message if ever they need some immediate task support.
  7. Let your team create a personalized work process. Not all employees accomplish tasks in the same way. Some prefer emails over calls, and some may be more productive during the second half of their shift, needing some time to get in gear. Providing employees some freedom in their schedules can lead to increased productivity, happiness, and success.
  8. Value feedback. Whether it’s about a task or the work culture, it’s always a good practice to ask for your team members’ opinions.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Keep long distance #workrelationships strong with these tips from @M_3jr. #Vengresolife” quote=”Keep long distance #workrelationships strong with these tips from @M_3jr. #Vengresolife”]


We’re excited to share with you more about our company and the #VengresoLife, and hope you’ll stick around for more! We encourage you to follow our Social Media channels—Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. And to get Vengreso news ahead of everyone else, please subscribe to our newsletter!

In addition, we would like to invite you to join us on our next 4 week Social Selling Bootcamp. If you want to improve your company’s sales revenue or simply establish your own personal branding, then this is the place to start!



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