What’s New in FlyMSG?

Stay updated with FlyMSG’s latest integration! Learn how FlyMSG seamlessly integrates with your favorite CRM tools, enhancing productivity and streamlining your workflow. Discover new features and boost your efficiency today!

A screenshot of a Salesforce messaging interface with FlyMSG.io branding at the bottom left. The native interface features a new message input box with a blinking cursor. Above the input box is a blue header with the Salesforce logo. There is a grey "Send" button at the bottom right, showcasing seamless CRM integrations.

CRM Native Integrations

FlyMSG is proud to announce seamless integrations with all the leading CRM tools, including Salesforce, Nimble CRM, and HubSpot CRM. Now you can leverage the power of FlyMSG’s text expansion magic directly within your CRM workflow, saving you time and supercharging your sales and outreach efforts.

  1. Craft Personalized Messages Faster: Insert pre-written email templates, follow-up messages, and common responses as FlyMSGs within your CRM. Respond to leads and clients quickly and efficiently, keeping your sales pipeline moving.
  2. Maintain Consistent Messaging: Ensure brand consistency and professionalism by utilizing pre-approved FlyMSGs for all your customer interactions within the CRM.
  3. Boost Agent Productivity: Eliminate repetitive typing and focus on building relationships and closing deals. More satisfied customers, happier sales reps!
  4. Organize Your Snippets for Easy Access: Categorize your FlyMSGs using FlyPlates for effortless retrieval within your CRM, ensuring the right message is always at your fingertips.

Nimble CRM Now Integrates with FlyMSG

FlyMSG now seamlessly integrates with the CRM tool Nimble, allowing users to efficiently automate and manage their messaging workflows directly within their CRM interface. This integration streamlines communication, enhances productivity, and ensures personalized interactions with clients and prospects.

A graphical user interface for a web application featuring a search bar at the top, a "Nimble" logo on the left, and a settings icon on the right. The bottom section integrates icons for FlyMSG.io, likeliness, sharing, and navigation. The center is a blank white space for content display.
A user interface mockup of a messaging app. The header features HubSpot CRM branding and a dropdown arrow, indicating integration options. Below is a large blank text input area. At the bottom left is FlyMSG branding, and at the bottom right is an orange 'Send' button.

HubSpot CRM Now Integrates with FlyMSG

FlyMSG now integrates effortlessly with HubSpot, enabling users to automate and streamline their messaging directly within the HubSpot CRM platform. This integration enhances workflow efficiency, improves communication consistency, and allows for more personalized customer engagement.

Explore More Features

April 2024 - Email Integrations

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April 2024 - Email Integrations

January 2024 - FlyMSG AI Product Releases

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January 2024 - FlyMSG AI Product Releases


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March 2024 - 3rd Party Application Integrations

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March 2024 - 3rd Party Application Integrations

May 2024 - New Product Features

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May 2024 - New Product Features