What’s New in FlyMSG?

Get ready to explore brand new features on your FlyMSG

A screenshot of the FlyMSG interface displays the "Restore text with Version History" feature. One version listed reads "good wow!" with the number six next to a purple circle. The interface includes options for "Share" and "+ Add FlyCut" on the right, showcasing its robust Version Control.

Version Control up to 999 Versions for every one of your FlyMSG’s

Version Control enables complete control over your writing process and the ability to revert to a previous version at any time. No more frustration from lost edits or confusion about which version is correct.

  1. Go to any FlyMSG within FlyCuts
  2. Make changes as you wish while we Auto-save for you
  3. Click the Actions button to view your previous versions, including details such as character count, word count, and media size.

Automatically Convert Your Rich Text Hyperlinks to Links in Simple Text

Effortless link management for Simple Text deployment. Focus on clear communication and let FlyMSG handle the formatting! Platforms like LinkedIn or WhatsApp online don’t allow you to hyperlink words. Don’t worry we’ll automatically convert your hyperlink word and place it into a parenthetical ( _).

  1. Create your message and highlight the word you want to hyperlink.
  2. Click the hyperlink function inside the FlyMSG editor toolbar .
  3. Go to any simple formatted text field or site (e.g. LinkedIn, WhatsApp Online) .
  4. Deploy your message and watch the magic happen.
FlyMSG.io interface features input areas for text expander and AI writer at the top. Below, you'll find two output sections: Rich Text with a Gmail icon to the left and Simple Text with a LinkedIn icon to the left. Users can easily convert text and manage hyperlinks within these sections.
A user interface for FlyMSG.io is shown, demonstrating an option to add a GIF from Giphy. The screen displays a form titled "Add New FlyCut" with fields for category, title/description, and message content, including text formatting options and a GIF button. The graphic includes animations to seamlessly deploy messages.

Deploy Your Messages and Include a Giphy

We are shaking things up with an exciting fun feature: GIF integration! Now you can add a touch of personality and humor to your FlyMSG’s with a vast library of trending GIFs at your fingertips.

  1. Create a FlyMSG
  2. Add GIFs by clicking the GIF function inside the FlyMSG editor toolbar
  3. Browse for your favorite GIF and insert
  4. Type your FlyCut anywhere online and watch the magic happen!

Explore More Features

April 2024 - Email Integrations

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April 2024 - Email Integrations

February - CRM Native Integrations

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February - CRM Native Integrations

January 2024 - FlyMSG AI Product Releases

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January 2024 - FlyMSG AI Product Releases


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March 2024 - 3rd Party Application Integrations

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March 2024 - 3rd Party Application Integrations