Archives: Webinars

Navigating the revamped LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
Mahi Kumawat

Navigating the New LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Yup, LinkedIn’s done it again and made some significant changes on Sales Navigator. So what does that mean to you? Watch LinkedIn Expert, Viveka Von Rosen, and Sales Nav Expert, Stan Robinson JR. do a deep dive into the changes on the Sales Navigator platform, and how you can utilize these new functions and features to create more quality and qualified conversations with your saved leads and connections on LinkedIn.

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Watch this webinar! A Focused Account-Based Prospecting Strategy

A Focused Account-Based Prospecting Strategy

Get the inside scoop from leading sales experts in the field on what’s working now to land large accounts, in less time. Plus, we’ll walk you through exactly how Vengreso’s Account-Based Podcasting Strategy works to help us close bigger deals and get better prospect engagement every time.

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Watch this webinar! 3 Reasons Your Team Won't Hit Quota & How to Fix It
Mahi Kumawat

3 Reasons Your Team Won’t Hit Quota & How to Fix It

Because in today’s digitally-connected, socially-engaged, mobile-attached and video hungry world, your customers are demanding something ‘different’ from you and your sales team. The question is: Are you responding? In this presentation, you will be taken on a journey to fully understand the ever-changing market dynamics that are at play and why (if you’re not careful), you and your sales teams may become ‘old news’.

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Maximize sales success with the optimal cadence.
Mahi Kumawat

CATCH THE BIG FISH with the Right Sales Cadence

Whether it’s an inbound or an outbound lead…
the right sales cadence is critical. In this webinar with Mario Martinez, Jr., CEO of Vengreso and host Priya Sachdev, CCO of Vengreso – you’ll discover what sales cadence is really working to explode sales meetings. If you’re in sales leadership or sales enablement and you’re planning 2022 pipeline success, then watch this webinar recording!

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