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When you really, really need to get the meeting with that high-level exec you’re hoping to build a business relationship with, what do you do? Email? Cold call? Outreach on LinkedIn? Each of those has their place, but nothing is more effective than what my friend Stu Heinecke refers to as “Contact Marketing.” Why am I talking about something with the word “marketing” in the name on #SellingWithSocial (a sales podcast)? Because it’s the most powerful way for sales professionals to get the meeting every, single, time. Yep – you heard that right. Every time.

Stu is an author, Wall Street Journal cartoonist, and hall of fame–nominated marketer. Through his writing, he’s taught thousands of sales reps, business owners, entrepreneurs, and CEOs how to use Contact Marketing to get meetings that have dramatic bottom-line impact on the companies they work for. Listen to this episode – it will get your creative juices flowing and motivate you to get outside the cold-calling box you’re in so that you can get the meeting with those high-priority prospects on your radar.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”#Sales professionals! Discover how you can get the meeting every time from @byStuHeinecke and @M_3Jr, CEO of Vengreso, on this episode of #SellingWithSocial. Listen now! #SalesEnablement #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io” quote=”#Sales professionals! Discover how you can get the meeting every time from @byStuHeinecke and @M_3Jr, CEO of Vengreso, on this episode of #SellingWithSocial. Listen now! #SalesEnablement #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io”]

Your Messaging Has To Stand Out If You’re Going To Get The Meeting

Most meeting requests fail because they are boring, irrelevant, and built on a cookie-cutter approach. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes: After seeing the same sales messaging over and over, both prospects and their gatekeepers tune it out. It’s as simple as that.

Stu says that your primary goal in Contact Marketing is to set your message apart from the others your prospects are receiving. That’s the only hope you have of convincing them that your solutions are worth consideration.

Stu uses his cartooning skills to create unique gifts that he sends to prospects. But since you’re likely not a cartoonist, what could you do? To give you some ideas, Stu tells the following stories…

These all sound elaborate or expensive, but your Contact Marketing efforts don’t have to be either of those things. Listen to hear Stu give practical examples of the kinds of things you can do to get the meeting with your key prospects.

The New Standard For Meeting Requests: 100% Response Rate

It’s every salesperson’s dream to have a 100% response rate to meeting requests, and Stu says it commonly happens when his Contact Marketing approach is used. Why is the method he teaches so effective? Because it is a way of connecting that gets attention, stands out by expressing care and interest in the prospect, and enlists the gatekeepers to help you get the meeting set up.

That’s a lot of promises – but it really works. In this conversation, Stu describes several ways individuals have used his Contact Marketing method to great success. It sounds crazy, but the beauty is that it’s just crazy enough to work. Be sure you listen. By the time you’re finished, you’ll understand what Contact Marketing is, why it works, and how it could become the most powerful component of your sales enablement strategy.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The new standard for #sales meeting requests: 100% response rate. Sounds impossible? Learn how to make it a possibility from @byStuHeinecke, on #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SocialSelling #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io” quote=”The new standard for #sales meeting requests: 100% response rate. Sounds impossible? Learn how to make it a possibility from @byStuHeinecke, on #SellingWithSocial with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SocialSelling #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io”]

Having Trouble Getting Around Gatekeepers? Make Them Your Allies

In this conversation, Stu begins his explanation of Contact Marketing by telling a story of how he has used his cartooning skills to get in touch with high-level prospects. It all starts with targeting the right prospect, researching them to find a touchpoint that will make for a good connection, and creating a unique “Big Board” cartoon that is personalized and meaningful.

Stu’s team then reaches out to the person’s executive assistant and explains that they have a cartoon created by a Wall Street Journal editorial cartoonist that features their boss – and they’d like to send it to them. The assistant is immediately intrigued and on-board for getting the cartoon for their boss. Listen to hear how the process goes from there. You’ll find Stu’s insight and creativity inspiring.

Once You Get The Sales Meeting, Turn The Conversation Into A Conversion

I once had a sales representative reach out to me in a clever way that truly impressed me. He lives in my area and hosts a podcast that features CEOs from our area. He invited me to be a thought leadership guest on his podcast. After working out the details, I was invited to his office for the recording. Once there, he toured me around the place, introduced me to his sales team, and that’s when it dawned on me… I was a prospect for the service he provides. After a discussion about his approach, I discovered that he had a sales pipeline full of targeted, qualified prospects just like me who he had reached and established a relationship with through his podcast.

Stu says his approach is a perfect application of his Contact Marketing strategies. He was doing it right. But the story doesn’t end there. The sales rep contacted me later on, to say that he was very frustrated because his sales managers were pressuring him to stop podcasting. Why? His efforts weren’t converting. Listen to discover how Stu diagnoses his problem and recommends a solution. You’ll find it very helpful for your own efforts at Contact Marketing.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Once you get the #sales meeting, you’ve got to turn the conversation into a #conversion. @byStuHeinecke explains how to make it happen on this episode of #SellingWithSocial, with @M_3Jr, CEO of Vengreso. #DigitalSelling #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io” quote=”Once you get the #sales meeting, you’ve got to turn the conversation into a #conversion. @byStuHeinecke explains how to make it happen on this episode of #SellingWithSocial, with @M_3Jr, CEO of Vengreso. #DigitalSelling #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io”]

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[click_to_tweet tweet=”Your #sales messaging has to stand out to get the meeting. Learn how to make it POP from #marketing expert, @byStuHeinecke on this episode of #SellingWithSocial, with Vengreso’s CEO @M_3Jr. Listen now! #SalesEnablement #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io” quote=”Your #sales messaging has to stand out to get the meeting. Learn how to make it POP from #marketing expert, @byStuHeinecke on this episode of #SellingWithSocial, with Vengreso’s CEO @M_3Jr. Listen now! #SalesEnablement #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io”]

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Are you having trouble getting past your prospect’s gatekeepers? Learn to make them your allies from @byStuHeinecke on this episode of #SellingWithSocial, with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SalesEnablement #sales #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io” quote=”Are you having trouble getting past your prospect’s gatekeepers? Learn to make them your allies from @byStuHeinecke on this episode of #SellingWithSocial, with @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SalesEnablement #sales #Gong #RevenueSuccess @Gong_io”]





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