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For many sales leaders, it’s unthinkable to consider an outsourced sales team, simply because it’s way outside the box we typically operate within. But my guest on this episode of #ModernSelling has many persuasive reasons outsourcing your sales team may be the absolute best way to go, both for budgetary reasons and for increasing sales.
Ben Simms is Vice President of Ominchannel Sales (I LOVE that title!) at MarketSource, a leader of outsourced sales delivery for a large portfolio of clients in a wide range of industries. Naturally, Ben is enthusiastic about the services his company provides, but not because it’s how he makes his living. He’s sold on the way the company’s services can transform and accelerate the growth of companies of all types. Join us for this conversation!
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Thinking of hiring an outsourced #sales company but not sure it’s the best move?, Listen to this conversation between @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling” quote=”Thinking of hiring an outsourced #sales company but not sure it’s the best move?, Listen to this conversation between @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling”]
Why Should You Consider Outsourcing Your Sales Team?
Given the current climate surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Ben says that now is NOT the time to double-down on how you’ve always done sales. Anything even remotely perceived as “sales-y” these days is receiving strong push-back and you can’t afford to cast your brand in that light. Instead, Ben suggests that it’s an opportune time to evaluate what you’ve been doing and make changes that fit the times.
The right outsourced sales partner will take a deep dive into your problems and help you come up with solutions that fit both your needs and budget. They will also look at the opportunities available to you and enable you to acquire the capabilities to take advantage of the opportunities sooner. When it comes to sales messaging and the proper approach, they serve as a partner to help you dial in your sales approach to reach your ideal buyers. Find out more by listening to our conversation.
What Sales Roles Can Be Outsourced?
There’s a misconception that outsourcing your sales team really means you’re hiring someone to do lead generation only. The reality is that companies like MarketSource provide a wide range of B2B sales and marketing solutions. They can deploy and manage inside sales, outside sales, direct sales, and channel sales teams for both small and large companies. They work with you to ensure the sales plan and objectives they are pursuing are the ones you want to be pursued, that the proper ROI is being achieved, that brand awareness is being cultivated, and that communication happens to keep the entire process smooth and effective.
It’s hard to imagine how it could work if you’ve never looked into the model, but once you hear Ben describe the wide variety of companies his teams work with and the results they’re getting, you’ll agree that the idea of outsourcing your sales deserves serious consideration.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”What #sales roles can legitimately be outsourced? Find out by listening to this conversation between @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling” quote=”What #sales roles can legitimately be outsourced? Find out by listening to this conversation between @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling”]
Focus On Your Strengths And Let Professionals Take Over The Other Stuff
Many companies have developed extraordinary skills in providing rich and vibrant experiences for their customers. Others major on product development and innovation. But when it comes to prospecting, filling the sales funnel, and driving sales, these companies often struggle to keep the company afloat. Ben says that in situations like this, it’s smart to double-down on what you do best and work with a team of professionals to amplify and execute in the areas where you are not as strong.
Is that a new thought to you? Think of the possibilities if instead of creating a detailed sales process, interviewing and hiring a sales team, and bringing on full-time sales managers to oversee them, you were able to tap into the expertise and skill of an existing team of sales professionals. It’s not as complicated as it sounds. Listen to this conversation to get the full picture!
How Outsourcing Sales Can Solve Your Tech Stack Problems
Many companies have trouble keeping up with the technology side of sales simply because it becomes cost-prohibitive over time. The more your sales team grows, the more licenses for software tools you need to purchase. That dynamic is what causes many internal sales teams to resort to using a glorified CRM as their entire tech stack when better solutions, including some social selling tools, would make them more effective and truly increase the bottom line.
How does an outsourced sales team address this problem? Due to the volume of sales work outsourced companies like MarketSource engage in, they’ve already purchased the tech tools needed to resource their large team. When you outsource your sales needs to one of these companies you benefit from the amazing array of tech tools they are already using. Working with them, you’ll be able to determine the best sales cycle and sequence for your prospect’s buying journey and which tech tools to implement for the best customer experience and sales results. You’ll see your profitability and efficiency increase as a result, without spending extra money on your own tech stack.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Learn how outsourcing #sales can solve your tech stack problems. Listen to this conversation between @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling” quote=”Learn how outsourcing #sales can solve your tech stack problems. Listen to this conversation between @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling”]
Outline of This Episode
- [4:15] Ben’s background in sales and the path that took him to MarketSource
- [10:50] Why should you consider outsourcing sales for your company?
- [15:56] What types of companies does outsourced sales work best for?
- [18:46] How to sell outsourced sales to internal stakeholders
- [21:23] What role does the financial cost play in the internal discussion?
- [29:40] How to select and manage an outsourced sales partner
- [32:10] Does an outsourced team need to be considered part of your company culture?
- [46:37] What does it mean to use the word “omichannel?”
Resources Mentioned
- Connect with Ben on LinkedIn
- Follow Ben on Twitter @EBSimms
- MarketSource (where Ben serves)
- Ben’s all-time favorite movie: Caddyshack
- Map Anything
- Salesforce
- Hubspot CRM
- Sales Navigator
- OneMob
- Vidyard
- Docusign
- Modern Marketing Engine Podcast – Bernie Borges
- The Complete Guide to Dreamforce 2022
Connect with Mario!
- On Facebook
- OnTwitter
- OnYouTube
- On LinkedIn
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[click_to_tweet tweet=”Should you or should you not consider outsourcing your #sales team? Listen to this conversation between @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling” quote=”Should you or should you not consider outsourcing your #sales team? Listen to this conversation between @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling”]
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Trouble building a #sales team? Focus on your strengths and let pros take over sales. Learn how from @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling” quote=”Trouble building a #sales team? Focus on your strengths and let pros take over sales. Learn how from @EBSimms of @MarketSourceInc and @M_3Jr, #CEO of @GoVengreso on this episode of @GoModernSelling. #SocialSelling”]