Personalized video messaging is one of the best ways for sellers to stay in touch with current customers and engage with new prospects. With sales prospecting videos, prospects can immediately bond with your sales rep because they will get a chance to see their facial expressions and interact more naturally than a voice-only conversation.

In fact, this is scientifically proven. Neuroscience tells us that video is as powerful as being present because the brain can’t tell the difference, thanks to mirror neurons.

As David Meerman Scott says, “people unconsciously bond with what they see on screens and on-stage because of mirror neurons. This helps to explain why we feel that we “know” movie stars and television personalities. Our brain tells us that we’ve been in their personal space because of the feeling of proximity to them as we are seeing them up on the screen.”

As a sales leader, you should help your sellers apply this science by providing your team the tools and training to leverage sales videos in their regular cadence.

According to neuroscience, #video is as powerful as being present because the brain can’t tell the difference, thanks to mirror neurons. @DMScott @GoVengreso @KurtShaver Share on X

We have identified 16 use cases where your sellers can use for sales video messages, all of which are taught in our Selling with Video Virtual Bootcamp.

In this article, I will share 3 of the 16 use cases, provide instructions on when to use them and a sample script for each.

1. Welcoming a new connection on LinkedIn®

Most sellers simply accept an incoming LinkedIn® invite without responding, or perhaps just sending the new connection a line or two of text.

There is a more powerful way that your reps can cut through the noise and stand out from other sellers when doing LinkedIn prospecting.

How? Sending a personalized video message and sharing valuable information with each new connection.

Your team can record either a generic welcome video to send to every new connection or selectively personalize it to a particular individual.

Here’s a short example of a script you might use for a video welcoming a new connection on LinkedIn:

Hey Mary, Kurt here. I wanted to say thanks so much for connecting with me on LinkedIn. Directly below this video, you’ll find 3 thumbnails that link to content assets that I believe will be of value to you. Feel free to reply to me with any questions.

Kurt Shaver Vengreso CSO OneMob sales videoNote the top of the video landing page is where your rep’s video message will go. Your team will need graphic assets like the image thumbnails shown here to make their links visually appealing. The video messaging platform in this example is OneMob. We teach sales teams how to record sales video messages like this during our Selling with Video virtual sales training program.

2. Your reps reaching out to a new prospect via Sales Videos

Whether by email or LinkedIn® messaging, reaching out to new prospects should not be all about pitching products or services, but about providing value that can lead to a sales conversation.

Video is a great tool for sellers to introduce themselves and show prospects that they understand their pain points and build trust.

Instead of just providing a bulleted list of problems the prospect may be facing, sellers can speak directly to the person, with emotion and empathy, about their challenges and how to overcome them.

Reaching out to new #prospects is not about pitching products or services, but about providing value that can lead to a #sales conversation. @GoVengreso @KurtShaver Share on X

I want to show you a sample script that your sales team can adapt to record their video for sales. You’ll notice that the script has the following structure:

  • Identifying pain points
  • Providing resources to help prospects solve those problems
  • Invitation to meet and calendar options

Here’s a sample script for a seller in the IT services industry:

Hey John! Kurt here.

The majority of IT leaders I speak to share three common problems related to digital transformation and they all want to solve these problems to improve business performance.

They are:

1. Keeping pace with changing customer demands.
2. Succeeding at global competition.
3. Staying on top of emerging market trends.

Unfortunately, you might be challenged by these problems too and, as you know, not all enterprise networks are built for the change that digital business requires.

Directly below are two resources which have helped your peers address these problems.

The first thumbnail is a report that discusses the three most common drawbacks of WAN management and how an updated WAN can deliver the power and performance you need.

The second is a case study which shows how a technology company leveraged Hybrid WAN with SD-WAN to improve operational efficiency, ultimately staying on top of global competition.

May I suggest a 30-minute meeting where I can share additional insights on how other companies are solving these problems?

I am available on

1. 06/03 @ 9am or
2. 06/10 @ 1pm or
3. 06/17 @ 4pm

Please let me know which option works best for you by clicking the “REPLY” button directly below this video.

I look forward to speaking. Thanks!

3. Rep’s autoresponder OOO message

The 3rd out of the 16 use cases for sales video I’m sharing in this article is your team’s autoresponder messages.

What do I mean by this? This is most commonly the out-of-office (OOO) message for when people are on vacation or in a meeting. Now that most people are working from home, perhaps we shouldn’t call it an OOO message but rather “currently unavailable.”

In this case, sellers would want to add video to their autoresponder messages for two reasons:

  • Stand out from the competition in their emails (seriously, how many OOO videos have you seen?)
  • Provide a creative reason for people to watch your rep’s videos.

Here’s a “currently unavailable” script example:

Hey, Kurt here! Thanks for emailing me. Unfortunately, I am currently unavailable.

If your message is urgent, please feel free to call my cell phone, which is listed in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

In the meantime, while you’re waiting for me to respond, directly below this video are three resources I believe you’ll find of value.

The first thumbnail is a report that discusses the three most common drawbacks of WAN management and how an updated WAN can deliver the power and performance you need.

The second item is a White Paper that showcases research from your peers on the transformational directions for a digital business. I think you’ll find it very relevant.

Finally, the last thumbnail shows how one of our clients is speeding up global operations, while also driving up customer satisfaction as a result of our global network.

Thanks for reaching out and I’ll be in touch very soon.

How your sales team can get started with sales prospecting videos

As I mentioned earlier, these are just 3 of the 16 use cases we’ve identified for sales video. Getting your reps started with sales video begins with your leadership. Sales leaders around the globe are rapidly recognizing the time is now to equip their team with the skills and behavior change that’s needed to be effective at sales video messaging across the entire sales cadence spectrum.

You can also consider leveraging an AI voice generator to improve your video messages. This technology allows for creating realistic and engaging voiceovers, ensuring your videos are not only visually appealing but also audibly captivating. Moreover, the integration of text to video AI can further optimize your production process, transforming scripts directly into dynamic video content. It’s an innovative way to add a touch of personalization and professionalism to your sales videos, making them more effective in engaging prospects.

The three scripts above are a great way to start. But, there’s a lot more involved than providing a script to your sales team before they can be successful at selling with video.

That’s why our 100% virtual training program is such a game-changer. From learning to differentiate themselves and being irresistible on camera to knowing the best times to send sales prospecting videos and creating landing pages, our Selling with Video for Teams will help you and your team start more sales conversations and grow your sales pipeline.

Learn more now about this virtual training program.

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