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With the oversaturation of cold calling, messaging, sales emails – the modern buyer is savvy to all the ways that sellers reach out. That’s why, according to our poll of sales professionals, prospecting is THE most time consuming step of the sales cycle.

But, there’s a loophole that sales leaders and their teams can use to not only find the ideal prospect, but to make it even easier to engage them in conversations that actually build relationships and lead to sales.

It’s Content Based Marketing and when done right it can turn online content into a consistent pipeline of prospects.

In this episode of the Modern Selling Podcast, we dive into the ins and outs of how this stealth prospecting strategy works, how to get started, and the best way to position your online content to sell.

Our guest, Logan Lyles is a pioneer in this field and comes with a wealth of knowledge to share to help sales teams, sales leaders, and sales organizations scale their visibility through Content Based Marketing.

Logan Lyles is the Head of Partnerships at Teamwork, a project management platform built for scaling client work. Logan previously served in several leadership roles at Sweet Fish, a B2B podcast agency serving mid-market SaaS companies. Taking over sales from the agency founder in 2018, Logan helped triple the business in his first 6 months.  He also played a key role in landing the agency on the Inc 5,000 List (twice), while helping the company  both 10x headcount & increase ARR by 1,283%.  Logan works from his home office (that’s slowly becoming a mini video studio) alongside his labradoodle, Mack, in Castle Rock, CO.

If you’ve been looking for a way to enhance your prospecting effectiveness, this episode is the one to listen to.

Download the full conversation now and see how easily you can start posting online to attract your ideal prospects.

#Prospecting is the most time-consuming step in the #sales cycle, but content-based #marketing can help you turn online content into a steady pipeline of ideal prospects 💥 @loganlyles & host @M_3Jr @GoModernSelling 🎙️ #modernselling Share on X

Does Content Based Marketing Work?

The short answer is: absolutely!

This podcast is a prime example of that. When you reach out to a cold buyer and ask for a sales meeting, you’re often met with objections – that’s if you can even get through to them. However, if you take a Content Based Marketing approach, you can showcase your expertise through posts, establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry, and have prospects come to you to learn more.

I’ve used this content marketing strategy for almost seven years now to land some of our biggest accounts, here at Vengreso. I’m going into the fifth season of the Modern Selling Podcast and this strategy has enabled me to connect with hundreds of CEOs and key decision makers from startups through Fortune 500 companies.

And, in my case, you could start your Content Based Marketing strategy with podcasting.

Logan agrees, “Content Based Marketing or Networking is like a Trojan Horse. If you take the podcast route, it is actually a gift if you do the work to promote the person you’ve interviewed to create the content. Then if they share it on their social media platforms, it helps you, as the interviewer, get more visibility.”

Join the conversation now and hear why Content Based Marketing is so effective in lowering the objection barrier and helping you establish key relationships with stakeholders.

Content-based #marketing is an effective way to showcase your #expertise, establish yourself as a thought #leader, and build #relationships with potential #clients.💡@GoModernSelling w @loganlyles @teamwork & host @M_3Jr 🎙️ Share on X

How do you start with content based marketing?

The beauty of Content Based Marketing is, you don’t need expensive equipment or a marketing team to get started. Whether it’s short social media posts, blogs, or videos – the lift and the skills needed to create content is minimal.

I was curious to hear Logan’s take on the best way to get started and what he shares is spot on, “After every sales call, there is at least one content creation opportunity. Write down the questions you answered and after the call take a few minutes to either write your response or hit record and make a quick video answering the question.

The way I see it, every sales call should create at least three pieces of content, a written post, a short video, and a possible blog article.

Whether you’re in sales or partnerships, or running a business, there is a strategy that can be leveraged in Content Based Networking or Account Based Podcasting by creating content with the people you want to know. 

You get to highlight their work and they get the recognition – and either way, you’re creating a relationship that could lead to a sale.

To make it even easier to capture this content, Logan suggests recording your sales call, getting it transcribed and using the transcription to create the content so you don’t have to spend much time producing content.

Looking to enhance your #prospecting effectiveness?🤝 In this ep of @GoModernSelling #Podcast, @loganlyles @teamwork & host @M_3Jr explore the ins and outs of content-based #marketing and more! Share on X

What equipment should I use for Content Based Marketing?

Getting started with Content Based Marketing doesn’t require a lot. The goal is to produce content that your prospect wants to read. When it comes to content creation, particularly in podcasting, drawing inspiration from a variety of sources can enrich one’s content pool. For podcasters who wish to explore topics related to travel, lifestyle or adventure, the collaboration or presence of RV rental companies can offer unique insights to their listeners. Whether it’s common questions, addressing problems, sharing new perspectives, or even highlighting new solutions – you get to decide the type and frequency of content you post.

If it’s video content, we walk through the best pieces of equipment to start with like:

Logitech C 920 – this inexpensive HD webcam can record high quality content without much editing needed.

Ring Light – make sure you have stellar lighting and this setup will help you create content in minutes.

Audio Technica 2100 – get crystal clear audio with this affordable mic and have instant radio booth quality.

Listen to the conversation and get the inside scoop of the must-have equipment to get to start producing content that will get your prospects to lean in.

This episode of the Modern Selling Podcast is brought to you by Korn Ferry. Korn Ferry transforms sales teams using their world-class Miller Heiman, methodology, employee assessments, benchmarking and talent advisor capabilities to increase win rates and quota attainment. Korn Ferry offers Korn Ferry Sell, a sales effectiveness app available in App Exchange and app source that helps your sales team develop and replicate powerful sales strategies that help sellers win more deals and crush their quotas. Learn more at

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