If you’re in business at all, you’ve probably heard the terms “Content Marketing” and “Social Selling.” But most people aren’t connecting the dots between the two terms. What do I mean by that? You have a Marketing department creating content for your company. And you have sales people dipping their toes into social selling, and (hopefully) sharing that content. But rarely is there an actual strategy to create the exact content that modern sellers need to connect with, engage, sell to and remain top of mind with the modern buyer – throughout the ENTIRE buyer’s journey.

Savvy Marketers know the importance of creating brand and name awareness. And many understand that you need to continue to educate your audience. But then what?

[clickToTweet tweet=”Most people are not connecting the dots between #ContentMarketing and #SocialSelling, says @LinkedInExpert. Why should marketing and #sales be concerned? Find out. #DigitalSelling #InboundMarketing” quote=”Most people are not connecting the dots between #ContentMarketing and #SocialSelling, says @LinkedInExpert. Why should marketing and sales be concerned? Find out.”]

Your buyers are actively researching many digital resources – are you there at every opportunity?

  1. Buyers seek to build relationships with those who publish and share relevant content.
  2. Buyers want to expand their network with other professionals who can be a resource to them.
  3. Buyers reach a conversation-ready point that requires knowledge, not a sales pitch.
  4. Buyers discover your content as they look to solve problems.
  5. Buyers find your content as they educate themselves about available solutions.
  6. Buyers want to leverage content to validate assumptions and answer questions.
  7. Buyers consume your content as they learn about your company.
  8. Buyers seek to connect with subject matter experts.
  9. Buyers look at you and your team on LinkedIn to explore your credentials.
  10. Buyers look closer at your employees once they consider your company a viable option.

Content for the buyer's Journey

[clickToTweet tweet=”What are the 7 #Content for the Buyer’s Journey? @LinkedInExpert shares it with us here. #ContentMarketing #SocialSelling” quote=”What are the 7 #Content for the Buyer’s Journey? @LinkedInExpert shares it with us here.”]

So what can you do?

  1. If you are a Modern Seller, take the initiative to create content that positions you as a thought leader or subject matter expert in your industry. Think about the questions you always get asked by prospects and clients. Expanding on those answers and putting them in a digital format such as a blog post or LinkedIn Publisher article will go a long way to showcase you as an expert and thought leader in your industry.  If you go to your Marketing department with some ideas, they might even be willing to write the content for you!
  2. Consider producing collaborative content. Create a written or video interview of other leaders in your industry. Collect quotes from Industry thought leaders. Collect and share your favorite business books.
  3. Create or repurpose a product or service checklist that you can share with your prospects as a resource.
  4. Develop an article that lists your company’s best and most popular blog posts.

Now, what if you don’t have the time to do this yourself, or a Marketing department that can do it for you? No worries. We can help. You can still give your sales organization more opportunities to expand their network, create new conversations, revive old ones and drive the sales process with thought leadership content designed to build trust at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Vengreso provides content for B2B sales teams to connect and engage with decision makers throughout the buyer’s journey.

[clickToTweet tweet=”As a #ModernSeller, what can you do to create the exact content that will connect with, engage, sell to and remain top of mind with the modern buyer throughout the ENTIRE #BuyersJourney? @LinkedInExpert answers. #ContentMarketing #Sales” quote=”As a #ModernSeller, what can you do to create the exact content that will connect with, engage, sell to and remain top of mind with the modern buyer throughout the ENTIRE buyer’s journey? @LinkedInExpert answers.”]




Buyer Personas and Journey
We create content that matches your buyers’ personas to attract those in each stage of their journey.

Using intelligent content and research technology, we identify the topics your buyers care about.

Editorial Calendar & Publishing Goals
Content is scheduled using an editorial calendar according to your publishing goals.

We track the content that’s performing best to maximize engagement opportunities with the buyer.


Vengreso manages client approved subject matter experts to write and publish the content your sales team uses to attract and engage your buyers.

Before content is published, it goes through a rigorous editing process to ensure that it is on-brand and relevant to your buyers.

Our designers ensure your imagery looks great, is on-brand and gets noticed.

Vengreso brings words and design together to publish content that looks great on all devices.


We write Tweets and LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube posts to engage your target buyer on social media.

We use intelligent content marketing automation to simplify posting to social media.

Sales Teams Need Content

Most sales teams recognize the need for relevant content to enable them to engage with targeted buyers in digital channels. After all, nearly 50% of B2B buyers rely on content when making purchase decisions. The question for the marketer or sales enablement team is how to produce this content. The format described here is a proven formula that works and is scalable.

If you need content for your sales team, schedule a call with us today.

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