The world of B2B sales has changed forever. Your sales team cannot keep selling the same as it did in pre-pandemic times. That also means how they send proposals to prospects and the tools they use to close deals. This is where a B2B Sales Video comes into play.

The modern buyer is dependent on video and now, during the work from home mandates even more so when researching solutions. That’s why, as sales leaders, we must train our teams in modern sales techniques, including selling with video.

In previous articles in this series, I’ve explained the five reasons your team should use video for sales. Now I want to show you a specific use of B2B sales video (and my favorite): sending proposals.

To be clear, when I talk about a B2B sales video I’m not referring to videos produced professionally by your marketing team. I’m referring to videos that salespeople create using their phones or computers and send to their prospects through a sales video platform like OneMob.

Because field reps can’t visit clients in-person as they used to, we’re helping by teaching sales video best practices in our Selling with Video Virtual Bootcamp, so salespeople can become effective at virtual sales and boost their confidence with a video. More information on that below. 👇🏼 I mention it now, because our training includes the sales video messaging skills that I describe in this next section.

#Sales #video is produced by #salespeople with their smart phones or computer and sent through a sales video platform. @GoVengreso @KurtShaver via @GoVengreso Share on X

B2B Sales Video Proposals

There comes a point in the selling process when your sellers must present a proposal to the client. They must ensure the proposal is accurate, that they have the appropriate content assets that go along with the proposal, and that they send it to the prospect in a way that increases their chance of winning the deal.

Obviously, there are many ways of delivering a sales proposal digitally: email, LinkedIn, SMS (texting the URL) and through video.

But let’s look at three instances where video would allow your sellers to stand out and obtain better results than with other more traditional methods.

1. Internal review by SMEs

In midsize to large companies there are different departments and subject matter expert stakeholders that sometimes must sign off on a proposal. In this case, the seller can send a video to a reviewer within the company for internal collaboration.

For example, let’s say that a sales rep must send a proposal to a client, which includes some technical details he’s not sure are up to date. Usually he would send an email to one of the engineers attaching the proposal with a request (in the email message) to review the proposal to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date, hoping to get a reply via email.

But long emails tend to get buried in full inboxes and proposals are time sensitive.

In this case, the seller can record a video explaining the situation and why the engineer’s prompt response is vital for the deal to close. Specifically, the seller wants to reduce the risk of inaccuracy in his proposal so the client doesn’t sign off on something that can’t be met. The engineer receives the video, reviews it and she responds back to the rep with comments and a big thanks for checking with her. Mission accomplished…

2. Proposal and sales collateral

Personally, this type of sales video messaging has proven to be very successful for me. The image below shows a OneMob screenshot where at the top I recorded a video explaining the proposal to a client. Beneath, there are three thumbnails with content assets that enhance the proposal.  The content asset on the far left is a recent blog post, the content in the middle is the product page and the content on the far right is a the proposal. I call attention to each one in my video. Go ahead and click on the image below or click here to see me in action delivering a proposal through video.

B2B Sales Video Vengreso CSO Kurt Shaver selling with video proposal one mob example.

Your sellers can pull relevant assets (including video, of course) from marketing or your sales enablement tool. Within the video at the top, the seller can point down to each thumbnail explaining what each one is about and encouraging the client to click on each content asset to learn more as I always do in my sales videos.

This makes the conversation more dynamic and gives the seller a chance to empathize with the prospect in a more relatable way and vice versa.

In the OneMob sales video platform, sellers can track who opened their video, who watched the video and for how long, and where they clicked (proposal document, blog, customer testimonial.). With these insights, your sellers can follow up knowing who consumed the content. Your sellers can also keep refining their video messages, knowing what works and what doesn’t. As a sales leader, you can measure the ROI of the sales video tools and training you’ve invested in.

B2B Sales Video sales proposal sent via OneMob video

3. Getting an appointment for a conversation

There are two kinds of videos sellers can use to engage with prospects – asynchronous (pre-recorded and one-way) and synchronous (live and two-way) video messaging.

During the current social distancing season, the best alternative to in-person meetings is a synchronous meeting (via Zoom, for example). But not every prospect is willing to do that and they’ll probably do some vetting before agreeing to a virtual meeting with a seller.

However, a multichannel sales outreach approach increases the chance of getting an appointment or closing a deal. With the right skills, your sales reps can record compelling video messages that boost their chance of setting a Zoom appointment with a prospect. Why? Because the prospect has seen your rep on video and with the right sales messaging they feel connected to your rep. In my previous article, I explained how neuroscience shows that video generates the same closeness as a face-to-face meeting because of mirror neurons.

With the right skills, sales reps can record compelling video messages that boost their chance of setting a appointment with a prospect. @GoVengreso @KurtShaver Share on X

How Can Your Remote Sales Team Start Sending Sales Video Proposals?

Before they send winning video proposals, sellers need to master the art and science of creating and delivering video sales messages. They need to learn to be engaging, authentic, purposeful in their words, and concise – and doing it on camera. Skills they already possess such as smiling, being enthusiastic, and always offering a call to action need to be developed on camera.

This is why Vengreso offers the Selling with Video Virtual Bootcamp for Remote Sales Teams. This training program is designed for all B2B sales teams, especially for teams who previously relied on in-person events and conversations to sell. This program is 100% virtual and will teach you and your sales team all the viable use cases for selling with video, how to be irresistible on camera, leverage verbal and non-verbal cues, how to write effective scripts and other best practices to create more sales conversations with video.

As a reminder to a point I made earlier in this article – because it bears repeating – sales video messaging is different than video produced by your marketing team. Sales videos are recorded AND distributed by salespeople for use in their selling activities as explained in this blog series.

Learn more about our Selling with Video Virtual Video Bootcamp for Remote Sales Teams.


Music photo created by tirachardz –


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