At this point of your post-Thanksgiving recovery, you’ve either finished all your leftovers or you drew the line at turkey & cranberry breakfast burritos and tossed the rest out. Still, there’s a social selling lesson to be learned.

[clickToTweet tweet=”What do Thanksgiving leftovers & #SocialSelling share? Both involve REPURPOSING material says @KurtShaver #DigitalSelling #DigitalSales” quote=”What do Thanksgiving leftovers & #SocialSelling share? Both involve REPURPOSING material says @KurtShaver”]

Share Tasty Content By Repurposing

One benefit of spending hours creating a big Thanksgiving meal is that it pays off for days in the form of leftovers. Similarly, a fundamental activity of Social Selling is sharing tasty content, but regularly creating original content can be laborious. Here are three ways to repurpose content so that the original effort pays off in your social selling activities:

1. Be a Master Mixologist

Most people don’t want the same meal the next day.  The art of creating great Thanksgiving leftovers requires some twist on the original dishes. Classic Thanksgiving combinations include turkey and cranberry sandwiches or twice-baked stuffed sweet potatoes. With Social Selling, content can be repurposed via a combination of distribution methods.

Consider a blog, for example. Beyond the original posting to your blog site, you can extend the content’s visibility seven ways:

    1. Include it in the next month’s email newsletter.
    2. Post a comment and link to your LinkedIn Individual Update.
    3. Post a comment and link to your LinkedIn Company Page (if you manage it).
    4. Post a comment and link to your Facebook Individual Status Update.
    5. Post a comment and link to your Facebook Business Page (if you manage it).
    6. Post a comment and link to post it to your Twitter followers.
    7. Create a video version of your blog and post it on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and any other network you use that supports video.

2. Add New Ingredients

Sometimes, combining existing ingredients is not enough. New ingredients are required to yield different results. Imagine using leftover mashed potatoes to create Shepherd’s pie or adding chorizo and jalapenos to leftover stuffing for a Thanksgiving burrito. New ingredients in the Social Selling world could include different types of media, like audio or video.

A few months ago, I started to record interviews for my Social Selling blog. I did it so I wouldn’t have to take notes and I could concentrate more on the actual interview. After listening to the first one, I decided it was good enough to publish the audio file as a blog download. Soon after, I learned it was possible to upload the files to iTunes, and, voila! I had a podcast. For more visual content, you can create your own YouTube channel. Here are examples of how Vengreso does it:

3. Leverage Additional Distribution Channels

Sometimes there are so many leftovers that the host will send guests home with a plastic container of leftovers. Similarly, your network can help share your content with others. It could be via a LinkedIn Update, retweet, guest blog post, or other means.

Since the social era finds more and more serving as information curators, many people and media outlets are looking for content to share. The trick is to understand their audience, so be sure to only ask people whose audience would be interested in your content.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Implement #EmployeeAdvocacy to maximize the reach of your company’s #ContentMarketing @KurtShaver #SocialSelling #DigitalSales #DigitalSelling” quote=”Implement #EmployeeAdvocacy to maximize the reach of your company’s #ContentMarketing @KurtShaver”]

Maximize Social Selling Benefits

The point to these three techniques is that if you are going to do the hard work to create a wonderful meal/content, why not re-purpose them to maximize the social selling benefits? What do you think? Can you share any recipes for leveraging your “Content Leftovers”?

Make your LinkedIn profile ready to share repurposed content. Download the Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Profiles for Sales Professionals today!The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Profile Optimization for Sales Professionals

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