My B2B Podcasting Strategy

My B2B Podcasting Strategy


Social audio has become very popular recently with the advent of Clubhouse. According to Edison Research, 15% of social media users 18+ say they have used Clubhouse.

Podcasting is a form of social audio. And, it continues to grow as a content channel. According to Edison Research’s Share of Ear study, which began tracking audio consumption in 2014, podcasting’s share of all audio listening is now 6% of consumption. This level marks an all-time high for podcasting, up from 2% in 2014.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have launched or plan to launch social audio features. Facebook is launching Live Audio Rooms this summer. Twitter already has a social audio function called Spaces, which is similar to Clubhouse. It’s only available on the Twitter mobile app at this time. And LinkedIn has announced that it is developing its own form of live audio chatting that has shown some similarities with Clubhouse.

I’ve had a love affair with podcasting for nearly 10 years. In fact, I listen to many podcasts. MME is my second podcast. My first podcast ran for 49 episodes. I co-hosted it with a buddy of mine. We bantered about digital marketing topics. The big difference between my first podcast and my second podcast is that I didn’t have a strategy with my first podcast. I had fun recording them. But, there was no strategy.

We just recorded and published them hoping something good would come of them. In truth, some good did come from the first podcast. But, we all know that hope is not a strategy, right?

So, what is my B2B podcast strategy?

My strategy is relationship building. I set out to build relationships with marketing executives at B2B brands.

The method is simple: I provide a platform to feature marketing executives. I interview each guest and share their experience and wisdom with my audience.

This relationship-building strategy in podcasting has a business benefit.

First, it starts with a human connection. I genuinely try to connect with each of the guests I’ve featured on the podcast. I don’t mean just connect on LinkedIn. I mean, I want to make an authentic human connection with each guest. I’m very pleased that more than half of my guests on the MME podcast have made a human connection with me, which means that we had a mutually enjoyable and beneficial experience during the interview.

So, what’s the benefit of this relationship building in podcasting?

Life is all about relationships. People do business with people they know, like and trust and that is relationship-based. Some of my guests have become friends. And, some of my guests have become clients of Vengreso.

And, in some cases I was able to offer something of value to my guest in the relationship whether it’s an introduction to someone or an endorsement or whatever.

The purpose of the MME podcast is for me to build relationships with marketing executives at B2B brands – it’s that simple. And, if you’re thinking this strategy is oversimplified, you’re right because it doesn’t need to be more complicated than building authentic relationships with no more agenda than that.

However, there is something I do behind the scenes that works really well in this relationship-building strategy. I always have a 30-minute planning session with each guest before the podcast recording to ensure a great experience for my guest and for you, my listener.

Be sure to listen to the whole episode to learn how I do this and why it’s so effective. You’ll also hear how Kyven, Diego and Bryan on our team work their magic as the post-production team behind the MME podcast.

An Important Announcement

Episode 300 is the last episode of the MME podcast!

I’ve accepted a new opportunity in my career journey and the Vengreso leadership team has decided to sunset the MME podcast.

Vengreso has a sales-centric podcast called the Modern Selling Podcast, hosted by Vengreso’s founder and CEO, Mario Martinez Jr. He’s published more than 175 episodes at the time of this recording. It’s a wildly popular podcast and you and or your sales leader at your company should definitely check it out.

Additionally, Vengreso has a live show called the Modern Sales Mastery show, which is broadcast live every Friday at 11:30 am ET.

The @MMEnginePodcast just published their 300th episode! @BernieBorges gave a special announcement that fans of this show should not miss. #ModernMarketing #B2BMarketing Share on X

My New Career Chapter

I’m joining iQor – a leader in the business process outsourcing industry (BPO) as Vice President Global Content Marketing. In this role, I’ll be responsible for developing and executing a global content strategy designed to accelerate their brand in a very competitive industry.

I’ll be podcasting and producing videos in this role, so I get to do what I love to do – which is create content – while delivering value to the iQor brand and their customers.

You may know that I’m a co-founder at Vengreso. We launched Vengreso four years ago in April 2017. I ran marketing at Vengreso until July 2020, at which time I transitioned to the Chief Customer Officer role. My focus in the marketing leadership role was to build the Vengreso brand as a startup in the digital selling training space, to attract opportunities and build our sales pipeline. I led that effort through a mix of:

  • Producing valuable content
  • Building Strategic relationships
  • Event marketing

I provide more detail about my four-year brand building journey at Vengreso in a blog post here.

While I’m excited about my next opportunity, I’m also dealing with the emotion of saying goodbye to my Vengreso family.

But, I’m greatly comforted by the fact that I’m not totally saying goodbye to my Vengreso family. While I won’t be in the day-to-day thick of things, I’m still a cofounder. I’ll be an advisor to the company. And, I’ll still be an ambassador for the Vengreso brand in the marketplace.

I’m so thankful to my Vengreso family for being a special part of my life these past four years. I thank my co-founders Viveka von Rosen, Kurt Shaver and Mario Martinez Jr. for an amazing journey these past four years. I’m confident that you and the team are well-positioned in the brand, in demand gen and in the sales team, to continue to grow as you help more B2B sales teams become the modern seller that the modern buyer needs.

Congratulations, @BernieBorges, for the success of the @MMEnginePodcast! All 300 episodes are insightful and meaningful. Truly, you have produced one of the best #ModernMarketing podcasts for the #B2BMarketing people. Thank you! Share on X

Last, but not least…I want to thank you…my listener…I’ve always referred to my audience as “my listener,” because each of you is an individual. When you’re listening, I’m talking to you, not to a group of people, but to YOU. And, I thank YOU for listening to the MME podcast. I TRULY hope I’ve delivered value to you through the modern marketers I’ve interviewed on this show.

I have wonderful memories of this podcast..299 of them to be exact….no regrets…a ton of learning….and relationships with many of the modern marketers that I’ve had the privilege of featuring on this podcast.

As I sign off on episode 300, the final episode of the Modern Marketing Engine podcast, I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn, follow me on Twitter and / or Instagram. I will continue to produce and share relevant content for the modern marketer, on those social channels.

I wish you GREAT success as a modern marketer. And, I hope our paths cross again.

Stay well.

Bernie Borges

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