Armen Najarian podcast interview on brand marketing

Brand Marketing is the New Demand Generation


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As marketing professionals, it’s important that you think far beyond marketing campaigns – your brand promise has to be front and center in modern marketing. Why? Because your brand is what informs all the other marketing efforts you implement.

To gain practical insights into this topic, Bernie invited Armen Najarian to join him. Armen is a 15 year Silicon Valley marketing veteran who serves as CMO at Agari, a company that makes it safe to open everything that comes into your email inbox. Among the first things he did after joining the Agari team was to lead the charge in rebranding the company in order to more effectively differentiate themselves in their market.

In this episode, Armen explains why brand marketing must be integrated with the other demand generation vehicles already in place to make the most of your opportunities and stand out in your industry. Join Bernie and Armen on this episode of Modern Marketing Engine.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”What does it mean to invest in your #brand? 🎧 Listen as @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso speaks with @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #marketing #branding #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles” quote=”What does it mean to invest in your #brand? 🎧 Listen as @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso speaks with @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #marketing #branding #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles”]

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Does Your Brand Have A Promise Statement?

Are you familiar with the idea of a “brand promise?” It’s a statement that encapsulates what your company provides in a compelling way that promises customers a very specific outcome. For the Agari team, their brand promise is “Giving you the confidence to open, click, and trust everything in your inbox.”

It’s worth the effort to define your brand promise. When you have it simply, but powerfully stated you’re more likely to address the exact need your ideal customers have. But don’t try to create it in a vacuum as an isolated marketing initiative. It has to be fashioned in coordination with the executive team, partners, customers, sales and team members to ensure it resonates.

Listen to learn how to better implement brand marketing for your organization.

What Does It Mean To Invest In Your Brand?

Investing in your brand has to do with clearly communicating the why and what of your company in ways that elevate your company profile and highlight your sterling reputation. In order to do it right, your company not only has to invest in the process financially, you’ll have to dedicate some time to get clear on why you do what you do, how you will go about communicating that to your team and customers effectively, and how you will integrate it into everything you do.

Armen explains how he led the charge to do those things at Agari – from determining how the company is changing the world, all the way to the color schemes of visual branding and brand promises. Listen to learn how the Agari team brought it all together and gain insight into how you can do the same in your organization.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Learn how to bring #brand #marketing to life for your organization. 🎧 Listen as @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso speaks with @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles” quote=”Learn how to bring #brand #marketing to life for your organization. 🎧 Listen as @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso speaks with @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles”]

The Single-Most Important Attribute Of A Brand Is Its Reason For Existing

Armen says that even though he’s a marketer who loves his product and is happy to talk about what it does and how it serves end users, he has come to see that the halo above the product is the why of the company’s existence. It’s not only about the product, it’s about the mission of the business and how it is making the world a better place. Ultimately, customers want to buy from companies they believe in. It’s the brand’s mission that gives them reasons to believe in the company.

Agari’s mission is to protect digital communications to ensure humanity prevails over evil. There is nothing in that bold statement about the product, its capabilities, or its features. It’s all about their motives as a company. Armen says this is a step that often gets overlooked because it’s easier to talk about how you do what you do. Armen’s encouragement for any modern marketer who wants to start up their brand marketing efforts is to start with the “why.” In his words, make it clear enough “that your Grandmother gets it.”

How To Bring Brand Marketing To Life For Your Organization

Mission statements are traditionally designed to be internally focused, but in recent years those messages are being focused externally. Armen explains how the Agari team has placed its mission statement front and center, not only in the minds of their team members, but in their exec overview decks, on their website, in their lobby at HQ in Foster City, California and more. It’s not merely words that marketing has written, it’s a mission that the entire team buys into and integrates into their own stories. Naturally, that means the visual expression of the brand is also constructed in a way that supports the brand narrative clearly. Additionally, the hashtag #TrustYourInbox is commonly used to support the brand messaging on social media.

Agari landscape eye chart

Image source: Momentum Cyber.

Why It’s Important To Promote The Brand Internally

The employees, executive team, and board of directors at Agari have embraced the mission statement wholeheartedly. Everyone on the team now describes themselves as a “mission-driven business.” It’s an important aspect of what makes up the fabric of how the company operates. When the brand mission is integrated to that degree, it’s naturally disseminated in the product the team delivers.

Do you see how important it is to implement a mission for your organization? More so, can you see how morale, productivity, and overall effectiveness can dramatically improve when everyone is on the same, mission-focused page? Would it surprise you to learn that sales talks with prospects who acknowledge their brand as notable?

Listen to hear more insights from Armen about Agari’s implementation of their brand mission and consider the changes you might need to make in your brand communication strategy.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Does your #brand have a promise statement? 🎧 Listen to learn why it’s important. Join @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso and guest @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles” quote=”Does your #brand have a promise statement? 🎧 Listen to learn why it’s important. Join @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso and guest @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles”]

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[click_to_tweet tweet=”The single-most important attribute of a #brand is its WHY. 🎧 Listen as @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso speaks with @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles” quote=”The single-most important attribute of a #brand is its WHY. 🎧 Listen as @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso speaks with @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles”]

[click_to_tweet tweet=”🎧 Listen to learn why it’s important to promote your #brand internally. Join @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso and guest @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles” quote=”🎧 Listen to learn why it’s important to promote your #brand internally. Join @BernieBorges, #CMO of Vengreso and guest @ArmenNajarian of @AgariInc on this episode of @MMEnginePodcast. #DigitalSelling #Zubtitlethat @Zubtitles”]



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