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What steps have you taken to explore, learn from, and master your inner critic? Don’t waste another minute letting the person you see in the mirror every morning hold you back! On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from guest expert Chris Salem as he explains how leaders like you can master your inner critic. Chris Salem is an accomplished world-class speaker, life & business strategist, award-winning author, certified mindset expert, radio show host, and wellness advocate partnering with entrepreneurs, corporate business leaders, and sales professionals to have sustainable success at the next level by resolving the root cause to mindset barriers. His book, “Master Your Inner Critic: Resolve the Root Cause – Create Prosperity” became an international bestseller in November 2016. He also co-authored the recent edition of “Mastering the Art of Success” with Jack Canfield. His weekly radio show Sustainable Success is part of the Voice America Influencer Channel. Don’t miss this valuable episode with Chris!
[clickToTweet tweet=”How 2 Master UR #InnerCritic w @WHealthteam & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #Leadership #DigitalSales ” quote=”How 2 Master UR #InnerCritic w @WHealthteam & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #Leadership #DigitalSales “]
What is the “Inner Critic?”
Have you ever wondered why you behave the way you do in stressful situations? What is that deep inner motivation that drives us? The quiet voice we all hear from time to time is what Chris Salem calls, the “Inner Critic.” On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Chris and I discuss the concept of the inner critic and how to understand and trace it back to key moments in our lives. Chris says that the inner critic contains both a negative and positive voice, he explains that because we are more apt to focus on the negative, that’s the voice that typically shines through the most. Taking it even further, Chris shares that often the inner critic’s negative themes have a root to a particular moment in our life that caused an impact, both large and small. Make sure to catch this episode to hear Chris go even further with this topic!
How to Overcome the Negative Inner Critic
What does it take to overcome negative thoughts and behaviors that emanate from your inner critic? Is there a process to accomplish this goal and come out the other end with focus, clarity, and confidence? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from Chris as he shares the process he’s developed to help leaders like you overcome the negative aspects of your inner critic. Chris says that the process has
- Be aware of your current condition. Are you where you want to be?
- Be present and accept where you are on your journey. Practice meditation.
- Be willing to address the root cause of the negative voice.
- Be prepared to release the negative emotions.
When you are able to walk through this process and do the work necessary to address and resolve the negative aspects of your inner critic, you’ll be free to move forward with great clarity and purpose. Get additional insights and lessons from Chris by listening to this powerful episode!
[clickToTweet tweet=”How 2 Overcome UR Negative #InnerCritic & move forward w @WHealthteam & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial” quote=”How 2 Overcome UR Negative #InnerCritic & move forward w @WHealthteam & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial”]
Recovering Your Authentic Self
Doing the hard work of introspection and self-improvement can seem like a long and slow road. What will all this hard and time-consuming work produce? Is it even worth it? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Chris breaks down why, despite all the difficulty, leaders like you should take the time to go through and process the origins of your inner critic. Chris teaches that ultimately after all the hard work is accomplished, you’ll end up recovering your authentic self. This will not only benefit you in a personal way, but it will be a huge asset to you professionally. When you are able to show up with clarity, authenticity, and focus, that empowers you to be a better leader and business person. Don’t miss this episode as Chris expands on this concept and much more!
Leading by Example
As a leader, you are responsible for the direction and tone of your business. The health of an organization can be traced all the way up to the top. So the logic follows, as you develop and become more aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, addressing both along the way, your organization will benefit. If you are willing to take it one step further, when you set out on a journey of self-improvement, you can leverage that opportunity as a moment to lead your people and empower them to do the same. Imagine how your organization would thrive if you were able to understand the intricacies of your inner critic and by extension, you enabled your people to do the same? Find out how you can get started with these life-changing principles by listening to this episode of #SellingWithSocial!
[clickToTweet tweet=”The power of #LeadingByExample w @WHealthteam & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #DigitalSales ” quote=”The power of #LeadingByExample w @WHealthteam & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #DigitalSales “]
Outline of This Episode
- [0:55] I introduce my guest, Chris Salem.
- [4:00] Chris shares the inspiration for his book.
- [11:00] What is the inner critic?
- [13:00] The negative critic that business people face.
- [16:00] The process of overcoming your inner critic.
- [20:00] Building a better workplace environment.
- [24:30] The power of celebrating success.
- [28:00] Leading by example.
- [29:30] Be your authentic self.
Resources Mentioned
One of the things I love to do is to read amazing sales books and listen to sales podcasts. That is why we’ve created the best sales books 2020 list and the best sales podcasts list for sales leaders, sales managers, and sales reps. Click through these and give them a listen! Also, take a look at the resources below mentioned during this podcast:
- Master Your Inner Critic
- Rocky
- Auto Text Expander
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