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If you heard the first part of this conversation with Rod Hairston, you know that he’s one of the best people to teach how to have greater persuasion in sales. The 8 steps we covered in that initial episode of #SellingWithSocial can only be topped by tacking on the last 4 steps, which the two of us do in this episode.

Rod is a sales trainer and consultant with a diverse and impressive background. His communication expertise was learned and honed working with elite combat units in the United States military and further expanded through his work as one of the first members of the Tony Robbins organization’s sales department. Rod’s a guy you want to learn from, no question – and he’s very generous in what he shares. I know you’re going to benefit greatly if you stick around to listen to this episode.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Don’t miss these 12 steps to powerful persuasion in #sales – pt 2 of a great chat w @RodEhairston of @NASPPro. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud” quote=”Don’t miss these 12 steps to powerful persuasion in #sales – pt 2 of a great chat w @RodEhairston of @NASPPro. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud”]

This podcast is brought to you by SAP Sales Cloud, the solution that enables your sales team to be more efficient, effective, and intelligent. With modern CRM, sales as you know it is about to change. Sell more with SAP Sales Cloud by visiting visit

Persuasion In Sales Depends On Framing The Conversation

When it comes to how you approach sales conversations and what you do in response to your buyers during the interaction, Rod has some great advice. During this episode, Ron shares 3 concepts that make a lot of sense and build your level of persuasion as a sales professional: preframing, reframing, and deframing.

Preframing happens before the sales conversation. It’s the task of coming up with every objection you might encounter before you even start the conversation, and devising answers and solutions to those objections. Reframing has to do with your response to things that come up during the conversation, and deframing is a way to reorient a buyer’s perspective if they are putting up walls or showing that they are the type of client you may not want to work with.

Rod does an excellent job of explaining the three and provides many scenarios where you would use each, so don’t miss this valuable training from a sales training pro.

Great Sales Professionals Utilize Situations (And Social) To Build Rapport

The 10th step Rod shares for having greater persuasion in sales is what he calls “utilization.” He’s referring to the skill of noticing the things about a prospect that you can use to build rapport and set the tone for a great sales conversation. If you’re meeting in their office, look around you. There are many things you can use to connect with the client. If you’re meeting digitally, make use of their social profiles prior to the meeting to learn ways you can build rapport during the call.

These are skills that come naturally for a guy like Rod only because he’s devoted the time required to develop them. You can do the same thing if you’re willing to learn from Rod’s experience and advice and apply it diligently to your context.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Great #sales professionals utilize situations (and social) to build rapport. Learn how from @RodEhairston of @NASPPro. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud” quote=”Great #sales professionals utilize situations (and social) to build rapport. Learn how from @RodEhairston of @NASPPro. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud”]

A Pattern Interrupt Can Give you Greater Persuasion In Sales

How many times have you gone into a retail store in the mall and had the salesperson ask you the same question every other salesperson asks? “May I help you?” Most of us respond in a similarly typical way, “No, I’m just looking.” The salesperson did NOTHING to lead you away from your typical response that is designed to keep him/her at a distance. In fact, they fed your resistance rather than overcoming it.

Rod explains that the things we say as we begin a potential sales interaction need to intentionally interrupt the pattern prospects have in place already. It engages them in the process instead of allowing them to stay outside the conversation. Questions are the best pattern interrupt, but there are many others. Rod explains in depth on this episode.

You Don’t Want Any Big “Buts” In Your Sales Conversations

As you engage in sales conversations you are not going to have much persuasion if you don’t stay aligned with the buyer. You want to be speaking the same language and be heading toward the same objective – the one THEY care about. Rod points out that the word “but” is one of the worst things you can say when it comes to maintaining alignment.

Why is that? Because “but” is a word that positions your next statement in a place that is contrary to what was just said. It’s creating opposition, not alignment. Rod suggests a better alternative and explains how you can use it to increase alignment and move your sales conversations toward successful conclusions. Please, don’t miss what Rod has to share. It could change the trajectory of your sales career and give you a greater degree of persuasion than you’ve had before.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Listen to hear why you don’t want any big “buts” in your #sales conversations. Lessons from @RodEhairston of @NASPPro. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud” quote=”Listen to hear why you don’t want any big “buts” in your #sales conversations. Lessons from @RodEhairston of @NASPPro. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud”]

This podcast is brought to you by SAP Sales Cloud, the solution that enables your sales team to be more efficient, effective, and intelligent. With modern CRM, sales as you know it is about to change. Sell more with SAP Sales Cloud by visiting visit

Outline of This Episode

Resources Mentioned

One of the things I love to do is to read amazing sales books and listen to sales podcasts.  That is why we’ve created the best sales books of all time list and the best podcasts for sales list for sales leaders, sales managers, and sales reps.  I encourage you to click through these and give them a listen! Also, take a look at the resources below mentioned during this podcast:

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[click_to_tweet tweet=”If you don’t know how to frame a #sales conversation, you’ll be less persuasive. Learn from @RodEhairston of @NASPPro. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud” quote=”If you don’t know how to frame a #sales conversation, you’ll be less persuasive. Learn from @RodEhairston of @NASPPro. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud”]

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Learn how a pattern interrupt can give you greater persuasion in #sales. @RodEhairston of @NASPPro shares on this episode. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud” quote=”Learn how a pattern interrupt can give you greater persuasion in #sales. @RodEhairston of @NASPPro shares on this episode. Join @M_3Jr of Vengreso. Listen now! #SellingWithSocial #SocialSelling #sellingwithsapcx @SAPSalesCloud”]

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