Do you know how to use LinkedIn for business? Before going through Vengreso’s Selling with LinkedIn program, Kien Nguyen, a CHG Meridian Account Manager, said he was below average with his knowledge of using LinkedIn to generate business. But he learned so much during the training that afterwards he changed his tune saying, “I feel like I’m above average now.”

In this video, Kien tells Mario Martinez, Jr. what he learned during his Vengreso sales training. Watch this Vengreso Client Testimonial or keep reading to learn tips about specific messaging, filtering, and more.[click_to_tweet tweet=”I feel like I’m above average now.’ Read and watch Kien Nguyen talk about his #SellingwithLinkedIn training experience with Vengreso. Catch his interview with CEO @M_3Jr here. #DigitalSelling #SocialSales” quote=”I feel like I’m above average now.’ Read and watch Kien Nguyen talk about his #SellingwithLinkedIn training experience with Vengreso. Catch his interview with CEO @M_3Jr here. #DigitalSelling #SocialSales”]

How to Use LinkedIn for Business Prospecting

As a student in Vengreso’s Selling with LinkedIn training, Kien and the rest of his team learned how to use LinkedIn for business prospecting, starting with LinkedIn Filters. First, you’ll need to identify the Title of the customer you’re trying to reach. Another critical filter to pay attention to is the Region.

Once you have a list of prospects you want to connect with on LinkedIn, you can utilize the platform to reach out to prospects and make those connections. Mario revealed how to leverage mutual connections to make new contacts and sell on LinkedIn with a simple two-step process using referrals.

  1. Reach out to mutual connections of the person you want to contact and ask for an introduction. In the messages, you should ask for a favor and let them know that you’ll write the message to your target contact for them. Make it easy for them by including the URL to the person you want to contact in your message, too.
  2. Send messages to as many mutual connections as you have with the contact you’re trying to reach. This allows you to figure out who has the most substantial relationship with the person.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”What are the things you can learn by attending a Vengreso #SellingwithLinkedIn training program? Kien Nguyen shares his insights in his #VengresoTestimonial interview with @GoVengreso CEO @M_3Jr. #DigitalSales #SocialSelling” quote=”What are the things you can learn by attending a Vengreso #SellingwithLinkedIn training program? Kien Nguyen shares his insights in his #VengresoTestimonial interview with @GoVengreso CEO @M_3Jr. #DigitalSales #SocialSelling”]

Improve your LinkedIn prospecting with the tips above. And as you make new connections, ensure that you’re sharing the right kind of content – content that builds the Know, Like, and Trust factor.

Not sure what to share? Learn more about Content for Sales Enablement in this free infographic.


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