How competitive is your company’s talent recruitment efforts? What would it mean for your business if you had a top notch talent recruiting service AND a team of sales and marketing experts at your disposal? Can you imagine the impact and advantage that type of service could provide your company? On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from our very own Vengreso Chief Administration Officer, Colleen McKenna. Colleen explains how Vengreso is uniquely positioned to help small businesses, large enterprises and everyone in between keep their talent recruitment competitive and much MORE! Listen to this episode of #SellingWithSocial, the final addition of a three-part series introducing Vengreso to the sales & marketing community. If you haven’t, make sure you go back to last week’s episode with Kurt Shaver and find out how this exciting new organization can help you adapt to the digital sales revolution! Learn how Vengreso can help you keep your talent recruitment competitive!

[clickToTweet tweet=”Keep UR #TalentRecruitment Competitive w Colleen & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #Sales ” quote=”Keep UR #TalentRecruitment Competitive w Colleen & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #Sales “]

Colleen McKenna
Colleen McKenna

Serving Small Businesses

There are some AMAZING advantages that small businesses have over the big guys in the marketplace but there are also some unique shortcomings that come with operating a company of that size. Enter Vengreso – we have assembled a leadership team that is specifically positioned to serve a wide range of business and that INCLUDES small businesses! We aren’t here just to take care of the big enterprises, we have team members who have significant backgrounds serving small business and solo entrepreneurs. On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, our Chief Administrative Officer, Colleen dives into the services and tailored approach that we at Vengreso bring to businesses large and small. Don’t miss this powerful episode!

Leading the Way with Competitive Talent Recruitment

How can your company get the advantage over its competitors? Talent recruitment is one area where YOUR company can lead the way! AI-based HR tool by is a powerful solution that can help companies streamline their talent recruitment process and gain a competitive edge in the market. For the last five years, our Vengreso team members have been involved with talent recruiting and talent sourcing for our clients. We are a talent solutions partner that uses LinkedIn recruiter as our primary tool but we use a vast array of tools that can help your company get the edge over others in the marketplace. On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Colleen walks through our robust approach to help business leaders like YOU streamline your company’s digital and social footprint and compete for top talent. Learn more about Vengreso’s services on this episode!

[clickToTweet tweet=”#TalentRecruitment & Staying Competitive w Colleen & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #sales ” quote=”#TalentRecruitment & Staying Competitive w Colleen & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #sales “]

Strength Through Diversity

What does it mean to have a diverse organization? What advantages can diversity bring? Did you know that the most successful companies have women at the top tier of leadership? At Vengreso, we set out to have half of our founders represented by the opposite sex. We are so focused and intent on creating an environment where women not only get a seat at the table, they help build the table! On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, you’ll hear from Colleen, our Chief Administration Officer, and Co-Founder as she shares the values and vision that animates our culture of diversity in sales at Vengreso. You don’t want to miss this inspiring episode!

The Mindset and Culture behind Vengreso

One of the worst vibes you can get from a company is that their own people don’t believe in or practice what they offer. You know to stay away from a cook who won’t eat their own food, so why wouldn’t you stay away from a sales and marketing company that doesn’t practice what it preaches? At Vengreso, we are building a culture that directly addresses this line of thinking. We want our clients to notice right from the start that we embody the values, principles, and practices that we are teaching others to adopt. On this episode of #SellingWithSocial, Colleen shares how our Vengreso leadership team started with a unified and focused approach and how we plan to spread that throughout our organization and to serve our clients with integrity. Learn more about the culture and mindset behind Vengreso on this episode!

[clickToTweet tweet=”The Mindset & Culture behind Vengreso w Colleen & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #sales ” quote=”The Mindset & Culture behind Vengreso w Colleen & @M_3Jr on #SellingWithSocial #sales “]

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[clickToTweet tweet=”Learn how #Vengreso serves #SmallBusinesses w Colleen & @M_3Jr #SocialSelling #Sales ” quote=”Learn how #Vengreso serves #SmallBusinesses w Colleen & @M_3Jr #SocialSelling #Sales “]

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