We all have received a sales pitch on LinkedIn, whether it’s from a new connection or from a total stranger trying to connect with us. And I have to admit, they are very annoying.

Is there a better way to do cold messaging on LinkedIn? Yes, there is and this is what this article is all about. Keep reading to see how to use LinkedIn in your prospecting efforts and some of our best LinkedIn message templates.

The Best LinkedIn Message Templates for Sellers is here! Learn a better way to do cold messaging on #LinkedIn using these templates from @M_3Jr! #sales #business #entrepreneurship Share on X


Prospecting on LinkedIn

Prospecting in today’s digital sales environment must go beyond finding contacts and making cold calls. In fact, it’s more complicated than ever to reach out to a potential buyer in an effective manner. 

The purpose of social selling is to warm up prospects before connecting with them personally.

Here’s a great cadence that you can follow to warm up your prospects before sending them a cold message:

  1. Follow the prospect on LinkedIn
  2. Pay attention to when they look at your LinkedIn profile
  3. Engage with their posts in a meaningful way
  4. Request to connect with them on LinkedIn
  5. Engage with their content, share their posts, tag them

After you’ve done all of the above you can move into using sales email, video for sales and making a phone call.

Now, let’s look at some templates you can use in different cases.

LinkedIn Connection Request Message Template

The first type of LinkedIn message template I want to share with you is a connection request. 

The purpose of this message is just to connect, not to send a sales pitch. Here are a couple of use cases and the respective template.

1. If You Saw Them Speak (at a webinar, for example)

Hey PROSPECTSFIRSTNAME! I thoroughly enjoyed your talk at INSERTEVENT. Loved your point about INSERTTOPIC. I noticed we weren’t connected here on LinkedIn and I’d love to connect. YOURFIRSTNAME

2. When a Buyer has Viewed Your Profile

Hey PROSPECTSFIRSTNAME! Thanks for viewing my LinkedIn profile! After viewing yours, I would be honored to have you as a connection so I can learn from and network with you. We also share common connections! Open to connecting? Looking forward to learning from you. YOURFIRSTNAME

Prospecting in today’s digital #sales environment must go beyond finding contacts and making cold calls. This #LinkedIn Message Template by @M_3Jr is a great start for aspiring modern sellers! #success Share on X

Best LinkedIn Message Template

The following template is the best we’ve seen so far, in terms of results and engagement. 

If you want to know how to get a response on LinkedIn, try this format. It follows the model outlined in our PVC sales methodology, which stands for Personalization, Value, and Call to action.

Hi PROSPECTFIRSTNAME! The majority of INSERT YOUR BUYER’S FUNCTION (i.e. Sales) leaders we speak to have X common problems they are trying to solve: 

  2. PROBLEM 2

Attached are two items which have helped your peers address these problems. 

The first is a BLOG/WHITEPAPER/INFOGRAPHIC/EBOOK article that answers the question: INSERTQUESTION

The second is a X min VIDEO/WEBINAR which addresses INSERT BUSINESS BUYER’S CHALLENGE.

May I suggest a 30-minute meeting where I can then share additional insights on how other companies are solving these problems? 

I am available on – 

  1. MM/DD @ H am
  2. MM/DD @ H pm
  3. MM/DD @ H pm

Alternatively, to avoid email scheduling volleyball, feel free to click here INSERTCALENDARLINK and find a time that matches your calendar.

Please let me know which option works best for you. I look forward to speaking to you.


In terms of results and engagement, the #LinkedIn message template shared in this article is the best so far! #LinkedInTips #Prospecting Share on X

Do you Want More LinkedIn Message Templates?

The above are just a few of the templates we provide our students in our Modern Sales Mastery for Individuals program. You can sign up for an annual membership and get access to our LinkedIn Sales Mastery program, where you won’t just get templates and playbooks, but the best virtual sales training in the market.

You can also get dozens of templates for free when you install our text expander app, FlyMSG. This free Chrome extension is packed with sales messaging templates that you can use in your sales activities, while saving time and being more productive. Click on the image below to learn more about FlyMSG.

And, make sure you check out our LinkedIn training program that teaches B2B sales professionals how to create more sales conversations with qualified buyers!


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